Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then … *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
I am your host, and they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagogue. I am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day, and a kink educator by night, and in both those roles, I help people make their kink a religious experience. While I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your specific situation.
Ep5 - "Pro-Dom Primer" with Mistress Jennifer
Ep5 - "Pro-Dom Primer" with Mistress Jennifer
In this episode, we discuss the what, why, and hows of being a pro-dom.
Mistress Jennifer is a professional Dominatrix with over 15 years, based in Houston, TX, BDSM Educator, Demo Artist, and Performer, available and travels to be part of different BDSM events.
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Welcome to the SINagogue. they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagoguge.and am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day and a kink educator by night, I help people make their kink a religious experience. I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your situation.
Reminder, we try to make our content as inclusive as possible regardless of gender, orientation, role in the lifestyle, etc., but we do inherently speak from our own point of view. We want to learn from our mistakes. If you feel like we said something offensive, let us know. Reach out via our website or call us at 469-269-0403.
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*San Dimas High School Football Rules*
Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
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Hosting with me today is my partner my ADHD squirrel Wrangler my submissive my brat my little my pony or just my little pony The sunny to my tubs little bit This is episode number five and with me today is mr. Stjen to talk about professional dining Yes, hello, hi, how are you? And now So mr. Stren is a professional dominatrix with over 15 years experience based in Houston, Texas Demo artist performer and available to travel to be part of different BDSM events welcome But before we jump into that first a word from our sponsor So tell us a little bit about being a pro dom Okay, well it all got started about 15 years ago I actually before I was a professional dominatrix. I actually was in the newspaper industry Coincidentally for 15 years until the internet kind of came in and took over everything And so that kind of changed everything But I used to run a lot of Adult ads I worked for a weekly paper owned by new times at the time There's like the Dallas observer there was the Houston Houston press, you know different ones San Francisco weekly LA weekly, you know, just different entities of the papers And so I would run a lot of the adult ads and I actually met a lot of professional dominatrixes through that That vehicle with working with the paper and I ran a lot of ads for them But I did not get into it at that point. This was like 1998 and I did that I worked there for like six years So then Fast forward, you know about 15 years ago I've made friends with a lot of the the doms and stuff in the industry over the years You know with running their ads and whatnot and One of them I you know was still friends with and she asked me if I wanted to go with her to see one of her subs and I was like For what I'm like, what am I gonna do? And she said well, we're gonna go spank him and I was like we're gonna do what? Spank him and she's like yes have you ever you've never done that before I said well not really Um, you know, maybe I spank my child like once in his life If he did something really really awful, but but no and so I was like well, I don't know about that I don't know anything about that I don't want to look like you know a fool. I know it looks silly Oh, sure, I said now I think I'll just sit outside and wait for you and she goes, no, he's a really nice guy Come on, you can come on in and at least sit down and you know just wait I said okay, so I met him It went inside and he asked me if I'd ever spank anyone before same question and I was like Really, I don't really know anything about this and he said well He said well you want to you want to do you want to spank me? I was like okay, I said I guess so I was like you know He he actually put his donation down on the table and I said okay, I'll try this and I tried it and it was fun It was very like therapeutic because you know, I was raising a kid at the time my son who's now almost 27 He'll actually be 27 next next Saturday So yeah, and you know with raising a kid it's very stressful, you know, you go through a lot and especially you know Because they as they get older they get very like they like to challenge you and everything I was like, you know, this is very therapeutic. This is very calming. I like this. This is fun I like being in charge so from then on I started like doing you know like like being having a mentor and you know getting training going to Domcon Get it working at the dungeons learning from the pros the ones that have been around the season dumps that have been around for like many many many years and you know the only way you're going to learn is with Just getting out there and doing it. I mean you can read a book You can watch something online, but you only get so much knowledge from that you have to actually do hands-on experience Sure. That's how I became who I am Awesome So why go pro why give up your amateur status? Well, you know, I didn't really as I said I was new with this I did not know how and when I first started out 15 years ago how the DOM sub dynamic really worked You know actually when I worked at the newspaper a group of us had been invited to an underground Dungeon party and back then you know back in like 2002 2001, you know, they didn't have the internet to put flyers out and stuff like that So everything was just like underground. I mean you might have a paper flyer But you know, you don't have like the ones where you broadcast you didn't have Twitter you didn't have Instagram you didn't have you know Take talk you didn't have any of that, you know, so everything was by paper very very basic. So you know I decided that you know because I didn't know anything about it. I was like, you know, I wanted to learn and I was never a lifestyle person. I never got into this for the lifestyle But you know, I was seeing how successful my other DOM friends were doing with their businesses And I was like, oh this could be kind of a side thing for me, you know, I could make a little extra money Doing something that I really enjoy Nice Gotcha So why would somebody go to a pro DOM as opposed to you know amateur DOM finding somebody at a dungeon Well because a professional DOM in atrix, you know, they were supposed to have that experience knowledge, you know, and a person comes to me because you know a lot of my guys, you know, they're they want to give up that control They don't they because they're normally like in charge at their businesses Heads of household they always make the decisions and you know, they don't want to go see an amateur I would say because you know even my guys they want to see somebody who's been around a long time has a website following You know knows what she's doing has had hopeful proper training You know of a website, you know, that's that's established. She want they want somebody establish that knows what they're doing They don't want to just to go to some you know person either a nameter or a lifestyleer or somebody you know that that really Hasn't had the proper training. I wouldn't want to go to a doctor that doesn't have their training or we go into medical school Or you know, a dentist or anything like that, you know, I wouldn't I want to go to somebody that knows what they're doing and have experience and following Sure, so You talk about like having a lot of training and everything like that. So how did do you get your training? I got my training. I went to as I mentioned there's a convention called DOM CON It's twice a year. It's fabulous May and Los Angeles and then they have it in New Orleans usually like in October Halloween weekend Classes we've been we've taught It's I know I know I love it. I love it But yeah, we go and you know you take the classes You go to the play parties And I've also worked at Sanctuary LAX under Mr. Sian and she's amazing Oh my gosh that woman is amazing. She's about to turn she is about to turn 70 years old next week And I'm having a party for her But I can't go because I'm gonna be in Baltimore, Maryland the weekend. They're having the party so I can't Oh, so upset I want to go it's like I think it's like the 12 or 13th or I don't know something like that Napoli and I'll be in Baltimore, Maryland I'm actually part of the Northeast kink weekend I'm actually gonna be doing demos and performances and stuff like that out there And then I'm taking my very first trip. I've never been there and then I'm gonna go to Washington DC and go see what's going on with our nation's capital there completely there I'd have to shape up some of those guys in the in the you know congress. Uh-huh. I might have to give him a little disappointment Good luck Very naughty naughty Not too naughty, really bad boys made really bad decisions for our country bad bad Good luck People are going to a pro-dom because they have the experience. How do you break into being a pro-dom? Um, okay Well definitely Do your research like if you're wanting to become a professional dominatrix There are a lot of girls out there who think if they have a whip and a paddle they're good but no It has to come from within you have to knit like it's an instinct I've always been a very dominant person ever since I was a child You know, I was the kid who wanted to run the playground not just be there And I was bossy. I'm an only child, you know It just kind of was ingrained in my brain and it was always there It's just I just never like it just never knew it was there And then when I got into the pro-dom business but yeah, it just kind of came out and you know just do your research And if you do um Choose a mentor go with a dungeon and it's a dorm that's been around as I mentioned a very long time Hasn't knows what she's doing you know go to dorm con go to the classes, you know, because I learned a lot of my skills You know, I learned them a lot from you know being at the dungeon But I also took the classes on the skills to make sure I was doing it the right way You know you just as I said not like you know what that's show bonding and you know What's 50 shades of gray and all this stuff on the internet don't follow that it's garbage Garbage You're doing yourself with the service so This is true So I can't help but be curious to the business side of it I mean, yeah, how does the business side of it work like are you paying taxes on this or is this like freelance stuff or what is that work? No, I pay taxes. I pay taxes like everybody else You know um, you know and I also like I do online like Telephone work as well. I'm on like night flirt sex panther. I want phone, you know all those and they said Me my my tax forms every year and I have to count all that you know of course I mean I have to be a good taxpayer like everybody else plus I have a regular job I actually work at a smoke shop novelty store adult store near where I live in the Montrose in Houston I've worked at fantasy for almost it's over three years now So I have a regular job. I've always tried to keep a regular job because you never know what's gonna have in With this world, you know look at four years ago. We got shut down, you know everybody was unemployed for A long time and some still are if it was really devastating to always have to have a backup plan because if some things fall through with one thing You know, hopefully you have that second thing to fall back on but that was a really top-time even for my business Because I couldn't see people for like over a year and I lost a lot, you know, and with like backpages getting shut down Eros now got rid of their BDSM section so much. Yeah, it's challenging because of the advertising aspect of it It's no longer as strong as it used to be Mm-hmm So how do you Navigate the legality of what you do? I mean, I know a lot of kink stuff is illegal based on where in the country you are. How do you navigate that? Well, I let everybody know that I am not in, you know, escort. I don't offer any of those services I never will. I'm very upfront about that. I let them know what I do offer And you have to screen everybody that contacts you screen them, you know And I also use websites to like, you know, check their phone numbers to see if they've been blacklisted or anything like that But yeah, you always, you know You and also it has to be consensual, you know, 110 percent you have to be on the same page You have to have an understanding between the dominant sub, you know, mutual understanding mutual consent It's safe staying and consensual. That's what I say Fair So what kind of things are you looking at? When you're vetting somebody what does that process look like for you? Okay, first I find out how old they are because I've had I've had people contact me that were like one guy said, you know, could I spank a 17-year-old? I said no, he'll have them call me back in 10 years Like 27 Yeah, no, I have an age restriction I don't usually see anybody 27 years and up because of their maturity level how they're matured as as people you know and They have to be up front with me Answered, you know, my questions Honestly, don't you don't be like hiding things don't be shady Um also I find out that they have any kind of medical conditions. That's very important because you don't want to hurt somebody or You know put somebody in danger that might have a condition So I always ask them, you know, do you have any kind of medical conditions that you know we need to to work around or things that we don't do You know, you have to be safe with this thing you just can't you know just go with it Um, I also like them to send me a picture of them I have a phone conversation with them and I get a deposit on their appointment from them because if they're a hundred if they're a hundred percent really, you know, really ready and real and genuine if they really want the session They will pay the deposit because that's you know my time and their time They're both very valuable to to both of us. Mm-hmm sure What's the weirdest biggest red flag you've run across when vetting people Um, they want me to send a picture like of my ID to them Which is very No, no taboo no, and I'm like why you know Send me a picture your ID and you know, it's it's weird because you know, I can understand I get it I do get subs that tell me that you know, this such and such dom took as many and disappeared or you know gave them the wrong address or whatever And I'm just like look, I'm not that dumb. I'm gonna be Crystal clear with you you you know, you comply with what I request. I'll be there a hundred percent But yeah, I have guy you know, I've had him, you know, send me your picture send me your ID And I'm like why so you can hack me scam me, you know, whatever Yeah, that's kind of scary too No, I'm scared so I basically will block and delete and report them and blacklist them to the site that I use Ah, that's Gotcha, that sounds like a way to also keep um other pro dominatrix's uh safe as well When you have somebody who's being creepy and weird like that Right and you know, I can understand guys having animosity because they've gotten ripped off or whatnot But not every dom is gonna be like that. I'm not like that. They can Research me they can go I send them my link tree so they can see all of the things I've been part of over these years and as also we do like a video interview whatever if they want to jump on and meet me That's fine, you know, I want them to make sure that that they know that it's really me that it is me So how does someone Avoid this sketch your ones avoid the ones who are going to rip them off. What do they need to do? What do you need to look for? Okay, um, well I even had a guy Yesterday he messaged me on Twitter and said he wanted to send me four hundred dollars a week And I was like okay, and he told me he wanted me to send my bank information or whatever And I'm like no, no, no, I'm not doing that dude I said you're I said what part of scam and hacker and a fool do you think I am? I was like no move on down the road But like if they send you stuff, you know Like want you to send like I've had guys who've want to like put me on their payroll And they want me to send my banking information so they can wire transfer money to me and whatnot No, don't don't partake in that and if you hear just you know certain things about like They want you to do something in order to get money or to get whatever, you know the whatever, you know That's that's very shady that just run run and also check the phone numbers girls need to check. There's um verify him.com is a very good website to put numbers in and to see if they've been blacklisted for any reason Always screen your people and check the numbers That's what I do Gotcha, and then if I see that they've been blacklisted I'm like, okay, well, what can you tell me about this? What can you tell me about that? And they're just like shocked that I actually confront them. No normally they just disappear Or they try to say oh that wasn't me that wasn't my number then I'm like really your name isn't such and such really when did you change your name? Nice try Well, how about on the other end as somebody purchasing the services of a pro-dom? How do you avoid a scammer? Um I mean you you mean they're trying to find me or me trying to find them uh them trying to find you or one of your competitors Um, well, I tell them to you know Well, I'm not gonna scam them. I'm I don't sure, you know, but I let you but I let them know up front That you know with the even with the deposit I make them pay the deposit if they're really serious And I tell them it's non-refundable It's like if you go to like you make a trip Sometimes you have to put a deposit down or concert tickets you have to put a deposit down to save your spot You know, you just can't I mean I have a couple of old old subs that I've seen for like 10 plus years that I know like so well and they don't have to pay a deposit because I trust them they've established themselves, you know, and I know nine times that 10 they will be there when they say they're gonna be there But just yeah and and the DOM just be careful, you know, when and when the sub is looking for a DOM um, you know if she asks you to send money right away up front run, you know um make sure she's you know researched She has a website strong following all of that, you know And if she asks you oh, well, you know pay me such and such and I'll give you this information run Don't walk run Yeah, because you know, I tell them what I offer what my hourly um Donation is and then if the very end I'm like okay well to proceed, you know if you want to go ahead We'll go ahead and you know I'll get that you know deposit from you and I usually send it in writing So they have it in writing so it's not like a verbal I don't like to do anything verbal because you don't have anything to back it up You have to have everything in writing concrete in writing So that's what I do and then they either pay the deposit or they're like oh, I don't feel comfortable if you have a good deposit because such and such You know, I had this bad experience and that that's I'm like we know what that's fine. Bye. Have a nice day chair What's the biggest challenge being in this line of work? well I would say The advertising aspect of it these days because you know it's difficult to find Pitiful places that will give me quality subs. I mean I advertise on different sites but sometimes you know I get a lot of time wasteers a lot of you know just Nonsense that you know, they're really not interested They just want to waste my time and jerk my chain and you know That's not what I'm about so you know, it's challenging to to do that but I have a website. I have all my social media You know, um, I do my best to try to get that you know get my name out there and so but it's more difficult to find places to advertise these days And also the girls who do scam the guys give all the good doms a very bad name They make us look really bad and I really I at Burns My Blood I just get so angry at these young Girls who were just scamming these guys left and right for money and it's like I've worked 15 years to get where I'm at I didn't just wake up and want to do this You know, I actually had to be kind of talked into it a little bit, but it was working Sounds like it sounds like it was gonna say sounds like it's been equally frustrating and equally rewarding at the same time for you It is but you know anything you do with with work and any kind of job you get that you get frustrated You bet it's a reward if you enjoy your job and love what you do then it is rewarding You talked about the girls scamming the guys out there is there such a thing as a male pro dom I feel like there should be but I don't think I've ever heard of one Um, yes, there are um I've met a couple of them I've worked with one actually um here in Houston and you know he's pretty you know he works with guys He's actually um you know he's gay which is totally fine with me I love everyone you know um I've actually volunteered with the pride Houston for 10 years Got my son into volunteering as well for he volunteered here for seven years up until like 2019 was our last year But that's a whole different story that organization just did a regroup a rebrand and they're coming back out And it's gonna be I think it's gonna be great but yeah they had a lot of issues internal issues But you know I've actually worked with um one professional male dom And he seems like he does pretty well I mean and he's been around for quite a while and I used to do sessions with him But you know just the pandemic and just life and just you know Having to just regroup my business you know it has taken a lot of time I'm and I just you know I can't I have to focus I had to focus on rebuilding a lot Sure Yeah um So why are you passionate about this why is This do it for you Well, I guess it's because it's the control aspect of it. I like being in charge I like you know just having that that power I guess it just makes me smile you know um Because I've always been The dominant a dominant type of person always you know because I've been divorced like 25 years from my ex-husband And you know with my son you know I've always had to be the one to make mainly all the decisions I mean he's been very instrumental and he was very he was really good with helping raise our son and everything and And so but still you know I'm the primary one that really had to be there on a day-to-day basis Making sure he did everything and when you I think it's really It helps a lot and it's a learning experience as you raise a child You know you have to be in charge you have to be dominant You can't let them you can't be passed and you can't be like oh whatever You know just let them run wild or whatnot and you know I've been very fortunate my son is a really good human. He's very respectful. He's a hard worker He's very dominant, but he's not into this, but he's he's bossy. He's dominant. It's like looking at me or I'm like What did I do? I'm like Apple tree Really cool. Yeah him and his friends will come to my events. It's a lot of fun I like seeing them there. They don't stay a long time, but they come they come and they support me because they want me to be successful That's awesome You talked about uh Your services. What are your services is there like a menu to choose from is it always an open negotiation? How does that part work? Yes, and yes, I do have a list of things that I offer I offer like spanking I offer bondage I also offer like mummification where I wrap them in saran wrap from their next down to their ankles CBT tease and denial anima's electros sounding Which is like the long rods that fit into the shaft of the penis I also have like humiliation cross-dressing adult babies What else Wax play and a little bit of medical play. I don't do and the things I don't do. I don't you know, not an escort none of that I don't do fire play. I don't do needle play That's about it That's an impressive list going on right there It it takes it's taken a long time to compile it and I know normally I'll let them choose From the list of their interests they it but I have some that try to top from the bottom and try to tell me Okay, they send you these long emails and they're like this is what I want and I'm like I want a million dollars But am I gonna get it? Probably not But you can try and so I was like okay, let's start over again Re-approach me but don't say I want say you know, this is what I would like or may I please or a mistress please You know you have to ask for things you don't demand things because I'll just be like nope delete by cf I don't take orders. I take requests Very fair So what's something surprising that you've learned about yourself with this career? That That That I could actually inflict a fair amount of pain like with like their discipline I don't do it. I'm not abusing them on disciplining them a lot of people get confused with that But um, I didn't realize that I could actually swing a paddle or you know a whip That swiftly and actually make them have a red bottom like really red like Big time like almost bleeding. I've had some of them bleed on me and they love that I mean I have the guys they're just like hit me as hard as you want or hit me as hard as you can And I'm like wait wait wait no no no no We have to establish a safe word first. That's our safe word. We have to pick it out And we have to have boundaries and I start very gradual and go from there I mean I have guys that love my events are like okay. I want you to hit me as hard as you can and I'm like do you really? Okay, I think we'll get there and I tell them that we'll get there But we're not gonna start there because I don't want you to number one if you're new at this I don't want you to run for the hills hate this be like no never I'm never doing this ever again. I don't want another Anybody you know touching my my butt. No, no, they'll just be scared You'll scare them away from it. I don't want to scare people. I want them to Like it or love it or appreciate it or want to do it again So I start gradual work the way up definitely fair I Is the responsible thing to do for sure It is because I see so many doms out there even with it You know like when I go to dom con I go to the play parties that I'll sit there and just observe In some of these people they just you know, it's abuse. It's really not discipline these people are just beating these people and it's like Did you really say okay to this did you sign up for this? I mean if you guys have this kind of connection and have it established in it's all consensual That's that's one thing But if you don't you're just abusing them personally People watching at a um play party events, you know And such like that in the dungeon play space is always rather fascinating To see you know what people have negotiated in their dynamic and such like that and Yeah, there's been times where I've questioned you know, but I don't Interfer because that's not always My place though if I had an issue then of course, you know you go to the dungeon monitor and be like hey, but you know Still it's always it's always fascinating and curious at the same time of what did you know? What did you negotiate? What did you think you were getting into? Right right What makes you different from other programs Hahaha Um, let's see Um, you know, I'm I'm a fair don I can be evil if you Push me the wrong or push my buttons is the wrong way or the wrong, you know sequence um, you know, but I'm fair and I'm honest and I'm dependable. I'll be there if I say I'm gonna be there um and I'm constant I'm a consistent, you know presence in this industry and happen for 15 years I've always been there even through the pandemic even when I was doing my online sessions and had to learn how to do that Because I was primarily ever since dawn before the pandemic I didn't really do any online at all, but I had to transition and learn you adapt with change So of course like I have been learning to be a dom online. I'm sure especially since you have been used to being in person Had to have been a challenge in and of itself Uh-huh It was it is I mean, but I still have my guys who want to do like my even my in-person guys when they travel They'll want to do a online session They want to be humiliated online. I can't really spank them online. I can make them spank themselves though And that's always fun Getting there like they're wooden spoons out How out are you with your profession? Everyone does what I do. It's not a secret. Okay You know in the beginning it was a secret because I had a regular job I had a corporate job. I worked at a newspaper 15 years ago so I couldn't say anything because you know I had a professional career and I had to keep my mouth shut So I didn't say anything and then when I decided to do the pro-dom thing full-time You know I still you know I advertised but I really didn't put myself out there until I did my very first event in 2014 in Austin I did an event at a bar called Pastros which is no longer open. It's awesome. It's a great place A friend of mine was a bartender there and he asked me to do an event They were doing a charity event for the AIDS Foundation Austin I said sure and he said well, we want somebody to do a demo and since you're a pro-dom you can do the demo And I was like I can do what? Demo? What? In public? I have to spank people in public really? Ooh that could be fun So I did that and they said the only way you know we're gonna start advertising it like on Facebook and all the other and You know flat platforms that were coming out they were gonna put my picture up there and everything I was like Okay, that's fine. So everybody who did I mean I had a few people in my life that knew but not many But then it became everybody Everybody people I went to high school with people I went to elementary school with you know people I worked with in previous jobs and yeah it was just like Night and day it's like one time one day they didn't know who I was the next day everybody was like what? You're what? I was like yep So how badly is it that shock everybody that didn't know when you came out? Well A lot of people you were surprised yes, but then people who really knew my personality were not surprised They were like even the kids I went to school with the adults now they're just like That's why you were so boss That's why you were so difficult Makes sense now But I would have never said it back then you know I was a nice I was a good kid. I was a nice kid I you know went to school actually college for music I actually played by a Lynn all through school growing up and went with my high school to play in Carnegie Hall when I was in 11th grade I'm with the HSPVA high school for the performing of visual arts Went to you VH for music and then I walked away from that I said I don't want to do this anymore I want to go into advertising and marketing and my father at the time he was alive. He was like what? You don't want to do music you don't want to be a music teacher. I'm like No Man, so then I just totally changed everything but yeah people who who really knew me or know me It makes sense, but then people who knew of me like in school and stuff were like Oh, huh, okay, some of my family members aren't thrilled about it, but I don't care It's my life. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do Do you ever have somebody from like high school trying to purchase your services? Yes Yes one person actually um, I went to school with I'm not you know got you know, it's confidentiality You know he contacted me after like 20 some odd years and he found me actually we were friends on Facebook book actually and he messaged me and he you know asked me about setting up a session and I was like I don't mean he was just a friend. He know I just somebody that I knew in high school in school But I just didn't really I was like Kind of weary about it, but I was like okay Definitely this is anonymous. No one is ever gonna know that you came and saw me of course This is all confidential, you know, and it was a little strange, but I was like you got to get into the headspace You got to put that aside But like I would never see any of my son's friends. I would never see You know anybody that I was really close friends with I mean if they want to come out to the events and get spank That's one thing they can volunteer and I've actually spanked co-workers and people you know their friends at the events But that's a big event. That's not a private setting Gotcha. Yeah What's something people would be surprised to know about you? Oh my eye Let's see what oh my gosh, that's a good question nobody's ever asked me that kind of question before Um I don't know uh let's see what surprise about me um Gosh that's a good one Um, I like I like I like repulsed drag race, you know But that's not really surprising people know I like repulsed drag race I love that show it's like my favorite show Um Pete I like to read books. I don't know people know that but I like to read books um I like to eat sushi. I love sushi People probably know that about me though that really know me um I like to leap Kind of late but not too late. I used to sleep later when I was younger um I don't know maybe not a lot of people know that I used to play violin as a kid I don't know how many people would know that but I did. I was a music student fair When you see like pro-doms depicted in the media I always think of like mistress Heather on CSI What is your biggest pet peeve about that? What do you see? That's always depicted wrong It's always like act most of it's acted and staged, you know It's like Hollywood, you know and like with some of these movies Specials documentaries, whatever And they actually need to go into The domes like dungeon and and see it firsthand be in there Because I mean you can use a hollywood proper whatever You know and and make it look good But going into like a real dungeon and seeing and be having a real dom there Like with bonding like in the second season That girl actually went to a real dungeon and got training from a real pro-dom Because she had to because that girl had no idea what she was doing So yeah she had to actually Go and get proper training So I think that even hollywood should consult regular real pro-doms and real dungeons So they actually know what they're doing and how to approach it That's just my opinion So how do they approach it that's wrong? Um I don't think that they actually do I mean maybe they just use like actresses or they use just stage props Or I mean but the ones that that they really go and see You know they need to do research on the dungeon itself and the dom herself And make sure that you know they're both genuine established Well-known you know have good reviews all of that You know that's just what I think Makes sense Have well let me rephrase that If you could do a scene with any celebrity which celebrity would it be and why? Or have you already done one with somebody famous Nobody really famous I mean I have actually punished or disciplined not punished Discipline a mayor of a small town in Texas Um, I'm not you know he was pretty well known in his little little city But you know he and I were the only ones who knew what what you know he came to see me for spanking sure We're the only ones who knew that Um, but if I had a celebrity um Let me think I would say there's I like Dylan McDermott. He's he's great I love him The FBI most wanted and also an American horror story Um also Johnny Depp would be fun um Oh Finn Whitrock also from American horror story he's awesome too. I would love to just spank him as well Nice So what's your favorite toy in your toy bag? Um, I would say at an implements I love my paddle like my wooden my traditional wooden paddle You know like school board type paddle I love those because it's very traditional It's very old school. It's very you know authentic and then I also have a machine that you can attach a dildote to as well I love that as well. Yeah, it's uh Kind of like a strap machine while it is but I can't say the word that it really is because it probably would be censored so Uh I'm pretty sure we're in the adult content section of every podcast or Thing right now anyway Yep You know you never know I don't know you know I don't know what the criteria is some podcast you can say whatever you want and some will be like bleep Like uh we've we've had uh some colorful language on our Podcast before so I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. It's in the fuck machine. Hey perfect That's what it is you just attach a dildote to it and let it do its thing. It's amazing It's better than a strap on it's much better, but I just didn't know what your rules were I didn't know if I'd get bleeped dropped nope delete it fan Nah nope you're good Thank you What is the best advice you've ever received as far as it goes for uh pro-domming Oh, I love this one um You know I've had a couple of seasoned pro-doms that have come up to me in my early, you know being a pro-dom They were like um They didn't take me seriously. They said I was wasting my time And and that I was not real and that I you know Just should move on or you know, I'm not and I'm too nice and I'm like Really bitch really Okay Well I am and you know that one she's just has her Head so far up her ass you can't see the light of day, but that's just you know That's just that person and then I had a person who said I was inviting myself to events No bitch. It's called marketing you put yourself out there you market yourself. That's how you get gigs That's how I become you know the only one in Houston that does demos No other pro-dom that I know does demos for any events here in Houston. I'm the only one and happen for 10 years so And that's not by inviting myself. It's called marketing because I have a marketing background correct Yeah, what's been your biggest failure as a pro-dom and what did you learn from it? um biggest failure um, I guess I guess with the pandemic I felt kind of like you know, I just felt lost I felt You know just depressed and just you know away from people and I was contemplating even when we came back and started doing events again I was like, you know, do I really want to get out there and do that and I was like, well, you know I thought you know, I had to tell my people know during the beginning of the pandemic that I couldn't see him in person And I was like, oh god, I feel terrible. I feel I kind of felt like a failure at that because I was like, you know But it's not it's beyond my control You know, it was it was the world it was You know the way the things were going I couldn't control it But I still felt that about it because I couldn't fulfill my my you know sessions I couldn't see my people and I felt really bad and then when we reopened and started doing events again I had a phobia of crowds because I was so used to being at home all the time Sure I had a phobia of crowds and I was like It was just like mentally Stirbing I didn't want to be in a crowd of people I still really don't love it I tolerated because I know I have to and I want you know And I have a lot of people who expect me to be there and depend on me So but still I felt like yeah, it was depressing I was just like yeah, this is just maybe maybe it's time to move on and do something else I'm like no, I've been doing this so long. I don't want to just give up and quit What's one thing you know now that you wish you knew at the beginning of your journey? Um That is advertising all these websites were going to be shut down Because I hopefully I would have a plan. I mean they weren't even well yeah, they were around back 15 years ago A lot of them weren't you know I kind of wish I could see into the future and be like okay Well, we need to make a plan to keep euros on you know keep their BDS inside up Retooled you know retooled back page so it wasn't trash and run by a bunch you know bunch of sex trafficking people You know I wish it was just more like professional and more you know put together You know more um Organized better you know and just thought through better You know I just wish a lot of the advertising was thought through And had some full proof ways to advertise that would you know continue on throughout Sure All right So one of my favorite questions what's your favorite curse word? Oh gosh Probably bitch Bitch is a good one you know especially I watch a lot of repuls so they say bitch please They say a lot of that on the on the show and you know I've been watching that since um Like season five they're like on season 15 or 16 now they've been doing this forever and You know I just got repulsed book actually I'm gonna start reading it when I'm on my trip on my um my work trip I'm gonna read the book that um the house of hidden meetings I'm actually gonna read that now I got my son into watching it when he was younger So he and I it's a it's a standing thing every Friday night when it's on we watch we watch every week And we always critique and we always you know try to guess who's going home You know and we always we're pretty accurate about it. It's kind of it's fun. It's fun to do Good So a little bit asked her favorite question to ask My favorite question to ask if you had to If you had to have sex with one muppet which muppet would it be and why? Permit the frog because piggy doesn't deserve him Good answer[laughs] It's the truth Not Elmo, Elmo's too whiny I don't know him[laughs] He sounds like he's whining all the time I can definitely see that Yeah Uh is there any question that we haven't asked that you wish we would have? Well I guess about by um how to get in contact with me Well that was going to be my next question so how does somebody getting hold of you? Okay see I guess I'm reading your mind a little bit I don't know maybe not okay but no um I've got all the forms of social media. I have link tree That's under mr. St. Jennifer I have twitter got chick 16. I have actually I'm on um tiktok mr. St. Jennifer 5 I have an only fans got chick 16 Or google me mr. St. Jennifer - Houston, Texas you'll find me I'm out there you can email me got got chick 40 at gmail.com g-o-t-h-c-i-c-40 at gmail.com Yeah I'm there and I will drop those links into the show notes And I can email them to you too if you want me to Okay Um but with that I think we'll wrap up for the day Thanks for coming on the show you've been a great guest Joyed learning about being a pro dom For our listeners upcoming synagogue classes both in person and virtual on electric play knife play dollar store domination All coming up in the next month or so check our website for dates locations how to attend Uh but that is it that's our show say goodnight little bit goodnight little bit