Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then … *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
I am your host, and they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagogue. I am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day, and a kink educator by night, and in both those roles, I help people make their kink a religious experience. While I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your specific situation.
Ep7 - "How to quit stalling and EMBRACE PONY PLAY with unbridled enthusiasm" with LilPonyBites
Ep7 - "How to quit stalling and EMBRACE PONY PLAY with unbridled enthusiasm" with LilPonyBites
Hay you! Put on your horseshoes, leave the barn, and enter the show ring. Pet play, specifically pony play, can be intimidating. We will demystify some of the *mane* concepts of pony play, including equipment, handling/training, safety/consent, and different pony play scenes. Do you want to know if you are a dressage pony, cart pony, hunter/jumper, or breeding stock? Are you an Arabian, Clydesdale, or Shetland pony? We will discuss how those labels within your pony identity can be reflected in your play. Once you learn about pony play, your neigh will become a yay!
LilPonyBites joined the Leather, Fetish, and Kink community in 2012 in a submissive role through a D/s relationship which taught her about power exchange and opened her pony identity. She's been exploring her switch tendencies and little/brat side. She is Ms. Ohio Valley Leather 2016, Ms. Tri-State Leather 2018; a board member of Miami Valley Pets and Handlers; a member of Ohio Leather Alliance, Tri-State Leather, and Women of Drummer. Lil' Bit enjoys learning/teaching ASL and is an interpreter at kink events. She serves the leather/kink communities, by presenting with her partner, The Rabbi.
Welcome to the SINagogue. they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagoguge.and am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day and a kink educator by night, I help people make their kink a religious experience. I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your situation.
Reminder, we try to make our content as inclusive as possible regardless of gender, orientation, role in the lifestyle, etc., but we do inherently speak from our own point of view. We want to learn from our mistakes. If you feel like we said something offensive, let us know. Reach out via our website or call us at 469-269-0403.
Today’s show was brought to you in part by the letters S and M, and the Number 69.
*San Dimas High School Football Rules*
Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
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Wasting with me today with my partner, my 80s, the squirrel ringler, my submissive, my brow, my little My pony or jump my little pony My world, my two more Little bit Hello We present this little number two and to go we will be talking a little bit about One way hey you put on your horses, leave the barn and enter the show ring pet play specifically pony play can be intimidating and Today we will demystify some of the main concepts of pony clay including equipment handling training safety consent and Different pony play scenes Do you want to know if you're a desage pony car pony hunter jumper or breeding stock? Are you an Arabian Clydesdale or Shetland pony? We will talk about those labels within your pony identity and how it can be reflected in your play Once you learn about pony play your nay will become a yay But first a word from our sponsor Little bit or little pony bites she her wholeheartedly joined the leather fetish in kink communities in 2012 and eagerly immersed herself in a submissive role through a DS relationship This first experience taught her the basic dos and don'ts of power exchange and helped her to open up her little pony identity Being a submissive at heart she has been exploring her newly discovered switch tendencies and little Brad side is there such thing as a Bradie pony definitely Little pony bites is enjoyed going to the farm to learn and train and pony play She is missile Valley leather 2016 and miss tri-state leather 2018 a board member of Miami Valley pets and hammers a member of high-level leather alliance tri-state leather and women of drummer She usually indulges her fetish of cigars at her home bar and local cigar shop Little bit enjoys learning and teaching American sign language You may see her combining her passions as an ASL interpreter at kink events She continually looks to serve and help grow her local leather and kink communities including presenting with her partner Hey, that's me So I figured we've been doing this a while we might as well teach on something we know for a change so You're up tell us about pony play What pony play was one it is for animal play when A part played and it holds under the fetish Complainstly category of Point Um, we can also hear a lot of ponies who are in Who leather or there would be leather pony for the time of the house Your pony does not have to be a leather pony here when we can fall under just And why do we do this? It's a lot of fun. It gets a whole lot of work And put them into a different headspace in order to be able to let go and do things and you know just enjoy And a little transfer of heart for you and such like that Do you have to do in a De-apprelation I'm sorry, dominant, missive relations with the order to be a pony not all You can hang out with other critters and pets in order to you know get your pony one So You know, I mentioned that it's a different type of pony or power exchange It doesn't quite fall under um caregiver little it doesn't always fall under master and slave It's typically just a Authority transfer power exchange most people look at it as a dominance and submissive type of power exchange now does that mean that those farther like caregiver little and master slave power exchange Does that mean that it can happen in a pony play? A handler trainer pony aspect yes, you can absolutely have a pony with a trainer that is more caregiver your pony can be more on the little side You can be more of like a service pony and such and Be under you know the master slave side it's just how what you all negotiate as far as your pony play goes Like I see giving me a side. I'm not giving more side. Oh, okay So Sorry, it is a different type of power exchange. It is it is a very different type of power exchange I mean at one end of the spectrum you have a mouse and at the other end of the spectrum We have caregiver little and somewhere in the middle is you know the regular dom submissive But then this branch off Somewhere in the middle is pet play At one end of pet play you have the pups Yeah, or kind of the bratty types the but they're very loyal and and What not they take on the characteristics like you would expect in a dog at the far at other far end of that Spectrum is you know kitten play where there is not a lot of power exchange and then there's pony play where Somewhere in the middle can be You know puppy play can also fall very close into with how pony play goes is falling into the middle Some of your ponies can be very loyal some of them can be very standoffish It really all depends as to where you identify as far as your pony And what you would like to do sure So tell me about the history of pony play So and doing some research and finding out a bit more about pony play and where it's roots came from But started off is actually non-consensual of um folks who were basically taken over um in worrying times way back when uh I'm talking like thousands of years ago type well maybe not thousands. Okay, man. It's a little far but when other countries took over countries and They turned essentially people into human chattel and so ponies started off as human ponies in the sense of that People as I said people were brought in as or people were made into human chattel and bioponies were Essentially had more value because you could replace people at that time um versus were expensive slaves were cheap yes and and so After some time there was some folks that actually embrace that role um it was taking it on themselves learning um Oh farther back than the martyra sod and bringing out highlights of kink and kink aspects of taking it Basically taking the power back and turning it into kink of people just enjoying the animal role play and the fetish and getting out of their head and doing this thing that essentially was pony play the earliest picture um and earliest form beyond that that I could find was actually based in burlesque and dance and so people would actually dress as ponies in order to portray actual horses and you would also see them in some of like circus things and other entertainment as things kind of went on Later on it ended up being an alternative to puppy play so puppies um at one point in time were considered quote-unquote bad submissives and so you were bad enough that you needed to be a puppy And in doing some of the research it was sometimes you were bad enough that You weren't good enough to be a loyal puppy You needed to become a pony in order to learn your place more uh the that area is still a little bit gray as to when that all started um But it's just been kind of throughout history and such that It wasn't written down until more modern times I should say so but it's been there. It's been described. It's been talked about um in different things in fact um one of Anne rice's books highlights pony play which is part of the reason that I got interested into it So here's a fun pony fact on along those lines the nineteen eighty four cult classic tapeheads with Tim Robbins and John Kisek featured some pony play the first on-screen appearance of Courtney Love playing the writer to a presidential candidate Interesting She's uncredited but that's her first film role Huh that's super fun I know just made like that's just random random five random fact right there We can go more random because Ted Newgen and Weird Al also appear in the movie But that has nothing to do with pony play Yeah, look we're gonna squirrel wrangle that and uh reign it in Fair enough So how do you figure out what kind of pony you are That kind of varies Some people just In conversation with several different people and such like that people will Either research their breed I've encouraged people to go to different events Read up on ponies read up on horses Biohorses and see which one fits your personality what does the horse of your inner horse your inner pony look like for you It could be Trying to figure out what breed matches the personality that you want And it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a biopony it could actually be a fantasy pony I've met several fantasy ponies who identify as either a unicorn or a Pegasus or a Pegacorn or There's uh I'm sorry Centarse And several others and they're kind of escaping me at the moment But the point is is that you can figure out which pony matches your personality And then figure out what age do you want your pony to be and where you want to land You don't always have to have a name right away for your pony But figuring out your background where you're going What type of pony Helps you to figure out a bit of your breed Some people will even go and visit stuff like a tractor supply store or other big animal or large animal stores I should say to help generate some ideas about their pony Some people have a very good idea as to They want their pony to be absolutely pretty and have all of the pretty things And so looking for things like that to make you into a show pony To have all of the pretty things Is something that you'd want to look for Especially when you develop what Items or gear and it doesn't have to be specifically pony gear But things that you want to wear and help to help you bring out your pony breed Bring out yourself bring out your pony identity The type of fantasy pony you forgot My little pony I don't know But what other types of ponies are there So the different There's ponies that are companion ponies Some of the companion ponies are similar to puppies in the sense that you just want to be a companion You just want to be petted, loved on, nuzzled all of that good stuff Some of them might be I talked about the show ponies where they want to dress up with all the pretty stuff And have all the shiny tack and their hooves painted and their main done up all pretty And can we tell I also like show pony stuff just because it's pretty and fun And you can do all of the things You can be a riding pony and that actually can be either an upright pony Meaning that you are standing on two feet Or you are down or two hooves Or on all fours as a riding pony You can be a cart horse or a harness horse So literally being able to pull a cart and somebody inside the cart or If you are looking at being more of like a cart pony But it's looking at more of like a workhorse And so the cart that you pull would be more of the Like heavy items that you might have a sense of accomplishment as your pony self of being able to pull Something really really heavy Short amount of distance Which you know could lend itself to the fact that maybe you identify as a draft horse Or you know one of the large horses Some ponies are trick ponies You can even get into being a stud or a brood mare And you know it depends as to where you identify what you want Yes It's a squirrel stud blender Wee I'm not helpful No not at home That's why you have to say Sorry you were making faces But a Hezzards of you know Of recording this in the living room together So You know as as you go on if you choose to be a stud or a brood mare Then you know that might be more of sexual pony play and You know taking your pony as to Being the I want to be a I want to be a sexy pony. I want to be used and Played with and all of that you can do it as to figuring out actual Breeding lines and there are some people that will do that versus other people who Are just like nope. I'm going to this I think the event is stallion and mayors event and I'm identifying as a mare tonight or I'm a dove Fying as a stallion tonight and hey, this is you know what we're doing is having a good time You can also be an off-brand equine and a fantasy pony is what we talked about earlier You always forget what the off-brand I do I always forget the off-brand So this are usually that's the one that I usually like leave to you Those are things like donkeys and mules and zebras and other horse-like things that aren't horses I would suppose a pony would be an off-brand equine Yeah, but it's called pony play because that A litter aches and horseplay was already taken by something else Chiro So Full disclosure My history with pony play 3D aches kink By a lot because I grew up on a horse farm So I know all the horse things it was applying it to humans That was new for me when we met But I had some hesitation with doing pony play The first one was a three big things one the first one was I had this fear that I would enjoy it too much You never be able to show my face in the barn again Um the second one is I was afraid it would be boring Because there was a reason why I still don't show horses I grew up doing it it got boring It got to be too alike That one really hasn't been a problem Uh, but the last one It kind of has been every now and then is that the pony play isn't accurate enough to the bio horses And you know those little tweaks we have to make because it is a human pretending you are a human It is like what if I say oh my god Because you are a human you have to make some adjustments accordingly But those things sometimes throw me off because that's not how we would do it with a real horse And I did it that way for 12 years and Longer than that yeah a long time I did it that way a long time and you know I remember singing oh my god What if she wants to be led on the right side of the horse instead of the left side of the horse is gonna throw everything off And I won't be able to do it I know you thought about this way too hard when we were negotiating and talking this through when talking out As to what it was going to be and how it was going to look and I know you've done pony play with me and there have been times where I think you've caused I enjoyed it But I also think that it's not on your High list of Go to kinks to go to to do Yeah, I mean I enjoy it because you enjoy it Would I ever go out seeking my own pony play scenes without You know, but if somebody said hey you want to do pony play with me? I really appreciate Not something I would seek out and not something I would turn down either fair Um and And that's definitely something to keep in mind I know I ran into actually taught a class on pony play here a few months back where Two individuals that were part of the class just attendees said hey we also raise horses and do pony play And yes, sometimes it's a legit thing of uh Wait, I have a human at the end of you know my reigns versus an actual pony and this is or horse and You know things get kind of messed up a little bit, but it's it's play. It's meant to be fun. It's meant to be a good time It's not meant of anything else, but that unless you've absolutely negotiated something It's called play have fun right and I don't know I think sometimes You know not having it be accurate and reminding yourself of This doesn't have to be exactly how a bio horse would do it Lends itself to the play and lends itself to the creativity of any type of animal play not just you know animal will play not just pony play Would you agree? Yeah, and once you're trying to play with me in which case My brain short circuits when it's not exactly how the bio horses would do it. I know that's happened a few times And it's been absolutely fun and is totally and completely thrown me out from headspace So let's talk about the different types of play So one of the types that you can one of the types of play is just pony training and So you can use things such as a lunch line or even and you're gonna use that as part of your training to teach your horse pony sorry how to go through the different gates That a pony can have you can get them used to being on-range you can get them used to Their tack their you know harness their bit all of that even a saddle if that's what you so choose And use of lunch line can be used as Quotum quote exercising your pony. I understand that is what it's used for for a bio horse But those of us who do pony play we may not look at it as exercise. We may look at it as All right, let me make sure I know how to do the steps so that when I change gates that I don't like fall flat on my face So Alan who learns that there's you don't know is like a 16 foot long leash And you hook it up to the halter of the horse and then you make it run in a circle around you So you don't have to move You just have to turn and they get in a big circle So it's the lazy doms way of making your pet work Suppose You don't have to do anything other than stand there So different gates Talk about how Use walk so if you are an upright pony which is what I am meaning that typically I will always stand in order to do any of my gates You use your front hands or front hands As opposed to your back hands right? You use your You use your hands and make fists to become your front hooves and then your feet are then your back hooves And so when you walk you want to walk with something to the effect of one foot forward and the opposite and the cross side hand forward diagonal So what I mean by that is if you take a step with your right foot So if you step off with your right foot and that one leads Then you want to have your left hand go forward And then when you take your next step your left foot comes forward at the same time your right hand comes forward And you switch back and forth as you take each step And you do that just walking I think people naturally want to match up their sides Left and left right and right and it just looks goofy right and Yeah But As far as the bioequations go And there are five different gates the walk which is for the gate It looks pretty close to the diagonal we just talked about But it's a little off from that There's the trot which is a two-beat gate Which for pony play almost looks Like you're starting to skip a little bit and you Make a little bit not quite a hurry up motion, but it almost is a hurry up motion with your front hoops yeah the trot is more of the diat on the diagonal thing Spot on equivalent with the biosis then there's a canter which is a three-beat gate A front foot and a back foot line up and then the other two do not And that's definitely more of like a skip moving faster like a trot can be a slow jog But a canter is definitely it looks almost like a skip when a human person if any person sorry bio Goodness, I'm getting my words mixed When a person does it as a pony versus a bio horse does a canter and so when you go into The canter it does look more like a skip With a for sure pronounce almost hurry up motion and and trying to get your hoops all gathered kind of at the same time And then finally there is the pace which is lining up left To left and right to right it is only done in a few grooves of horses Um like the Tennessee Walker So unless you're that type of raid you probably don't want to do that So I did meet a pony that was and I want to say an Icelandic Icelandic giraffe tours and they naturally pace As well So they do two they do two and two Don't hold me on to the exact pony because it's been years since I have met that pony met that pony Persona and so you know, I just remember that they had said that was one of the things that they naturally do that And so they chose a pony that would match that gate And then one of the ones that we didn't or one of the other ones is a gallop And that's just a flat out run for those of us that are playing pony You're going to skip over that one? Yeah, but even the flat out run many ponies will make it into like a Little bit faster jog Depending on what they're doing if they're in competition I've seen people just flat out run and you know wave their front who's just a little bit to try to Be a part of the gallop as well so Yeah And then another type of play is cart play and so as I was talking about that you can do cart pulling or even Learn how to pull a cart through obstacles some people will use blindfolds to lead their Pony who's pulling a cart through the obstacles Know your risks know your risk profile negotiate talk about that That's my little disclaimer But you know that's something that you can do even with the cart pulling it could be You're pulling a cart with a lot of people in it versus you know pulling a cart that has A lot of items that way heavy and you're trying to see how far you can pull it For your own strength your own training your own play or even competitions Tall in what you want to do And then there is that play where you're kind of combining medical play with pony clay You can do things like get shots or do ultrasounds With horses they tend to be internal ultrasounds so basically here doing testing Branding whether it's By the one branding or so popping or whatever you're Working to approximate how they would brand horses and no west Dental exams Very common with horses to check their bite make sure it's a good bite because you want to you know make sure they can take the bit and whatnot And then finally there is castration whether you are playing with that or Really following through again your risk profile I think that's out of 99.9% of people's risk profile but you can pretend to do it A lot of people if they're doing castration tend to mimic being castrated or use a Chastity device such as One meant for a female birth folks who could use a chastity device or a Cot cage such for those who have external clitoris and Yeah with bio horses it's a scalpel a flick of the wrist and a toss to the cats But I have we have been at events where they have sold castration rings which are basically rubber bands that you put over the testicles And over time they wither and fall off now you can do something like that whether it's with real rubber bands where these castration bands If you don't leave them on too long They're not gonna wither up in fall off. No, and There's some people that I know that don't want to do something like that So they would prefer such as the chastity device as their castration so the cage or the chastity belt to use for either a female or male at birth depending on how you are and all of that and what matches and what fits for you. It's all in watching negotiate I'm the next type of play in the wounds. So we also have things like fox hunts um Which is a wonderful We love calling them fox hunts um Because it's an opportunity to play with other pets however it is almost like a ginormous game of hide and seek with tag and Added into it So you can have foxes deer bunnies other prey animals and you can have ponies and puppies and your trainers and handlers all get involved in order to Find the fox or the prey and so typically the prey animals get to go off and they leave what's called a scent trail most of the times they may use something like um like a small marker something that is either easily picked up or you know won't harm our environment because we like to not harm our environment while we play. We are responsible kinksters and so you know the prey animal leaves a scent trail and after a designated amount of time then you release the hounds in order to try to help find the scent trail and those who are quote uncrew writing the ponies follow along behind and so it is a giant game of hide and seek and tag in order to find your prey and see who can either catch the most or Tag your it or you know whatever the case may be is to how you'd like to do it but it's one of those that's on my pet play bucket list that sounds like a lot of fun and one of these days I hope to be able to get enough people to be able to play something like that in a large enough space because again it sounds like a lot of fun and what about breeding play? So breeding play is definitely all about your negotiation and consent it is definitely okay to say no to this as I talked about before some people will use to create using create breeding lines in order to introduce a new pony into the community with actual two ponies being bred and that can actually be literally or figuratively but most of the time when we talk about breeding play that is actually literally of two people negotiating whatever they want as far as like sex and intercourse in order to create the breeding play um I'm like I feel like I'm missing a little bit more on this tonight well I believe if you go into baddragging.com you can find a rather large horse shaped dildo you can excuse me and and some people that is what they would like they want to be bred by a stud and they may want to go on a website such as bad dragon to order an anatomically correct horse dildo um choose your own size as your own weapon yeah the phrase hung like a horse is absolutely accurate those things drag the ground sometimes and then friends of ours have also let us know um a website believe it was called flurb and that you can also get anatomically correct mayors to be used uh oh uh it is a so anatomically correct males or I'm sorry mayors as a anal plug for those who would like to engage as a mayor um but may not have well none of us have the shape of a horse mayor bottom parts as you're a real giggling and your pony play doesn't have to be sexual most right when well I shouldn't say most a lot of pony players do not incorporate any sort of sexual activities into their pony play most depends on how you define sex yeah sure and you know it also depends as to what you want and where you want to explore pony play and what you want to explore with your pony play and any of that all depends as to what you talk about I mean like all cakes it's like a salad bar you can take as much or a little out of every container that you want mm-hmm you don't have to take everything at least not all at once you don't have to eat all not all at once and sometimes you can just make a song without any wires or beats okay now that we've squirreled enough on that one I've gotten out of topic but yeah so I mean it was really cool that Friends of ours had had let me know at one of our classes about the website flurb for any of those individuals that wanted to have well one because Bad Dragon had the anatomical anatomically correct horsecock this is another website and a place to be able to order for those who wanted the anatomically correct mayor so there you go so what about show play show play that's one of my favorites only because I can have all of the pretty things and be all kinds of dressed up and you can so one of the things is dressage if you're kind of like me and if you are in real life not a good person who can dance dressage is one of my faves in the sense that I can do pony steps and it's set to music and so you do different steps you do movement around a specific size ring for lack of better term it's actually set up in a giant square or rectangle but it's a ring it's a sure ring yeah I usually think of a show ring as being a circle not a not a rectangle but hey that's just me anyways this is what happens when you have a person who has not shown ponies get involved about like different aspects of pony play go be around but not a ring okay so anyways the show ring is a giant rectangle and it is sectioned off and as letters on each side indicating different spots in the ring and you do different steps set to music which is dressage yes I don't know like dressage is the one thing I know nothing about well that is how I learned dressage and that's what I've gone through and some of my research and such like that you can actually find blank dressage test sheets to be able to figure out your routine that you would like to do with your pony and create your own steps of how you would like to do it and count off the number of beats there's all kinds of ways as to if you want to get super intricate with it you don't have to but you know that's all up to you there is the hunter jumper which I know annoys the living crap out of you because I call it hunter jumper hunter is for beauty the artistic ability to jump over a jump jumper is the more athletic who can jump the highest and so typically the hunter is what a lot of us watch with the English writing style of jumping over the bars in a set pattern around the ring over the water and it's not how high they can jump it's kind of how pretty they can make it look as they go over and how quickly they can do it then there is one that is super fun and make sure handler work all right so listen up this one make sure handler work is called the liberty which means that they remove your bit and bridal and as a pony you get to go running around the ring and they have to figure out how they are going to entice you back at the end of a set time good luck the first time I saw this in a horse competition was absolutely fun and the horse looked like it was having a great time and the handler who was trying to entice them back was very skilled and was able to do it in a short amount of time actually earned high marks that day actually if I remember correctly I believe they actually took the liberty and spent a couple years good anyways well you don't necessarily pay attention on that one but yes but it was a lot of fun and so applied as a pony play activity your handler has to entice you to come back and you engage in pony play with them so it's kind of a fun bratty aspect of it in order to make them hey come on I may have treats for you again you can set that to music have a good time with it that type of thing and then last is an op- well not last but in the show last is obstacle courses and that's usually where a handler or a trainer will lead their pony through different obstacle courses either over jumps or around cones or anything that you can create as part of an obstacle course and many times the pony is being led or driven blindfolded again big trust thing have to negotiate if you're not comfortable with it to the course not blindfolded several times until you feel confident and comfortable with it again all in what you negotiate and what your risk profile fits but yeah that's one of those that many times people engage it in a form of play and including some forms of competition grooming we like grooming grooming can involve things like brushing your pony's mane or brushing your pony's hair and being very tactful and cleaning their tack and tack and giving them baths after long play and ensuring that your pony is all kinds of cleaned and pretty and all of that so you can use a comb and comb their mane and tail the one that I always get a little funky about every once well because if it's used on the palm of my hands always gives me kind of a ticklish feeling is the pick the hoof pick for your feet but you can use it to pick out any stones that are in your shoes or any mud that's in your shoes from engaging in pony play we talked about paths note to self discuss and negotiate with your pony as to what is acceptable for a bath after playing rabbi learned that the hard way that in for me a little little disclosure I had a traumatic response when rabbi thought he was going to be helpful and hose me off after playing a good bit of time with pony play and I wasn't expecting it and didn't even think to say hey I have a thing about wet clothes against skin and so it triggered a traumatic response so again negotiate that is all good I took your clothes off real quick got me out of head space so you know got me to where I needed to be and refocused so that's all right we handled it now talk about the gear you have to have to do pony play so the gear that you absolutely have to have in order to do pony play is yourself that's it that is all the gear that you have to have gear does not make the pony gear can help you get into head space gear is nice there's lots of different things out there there's a lot of very nice very expensive items such as anything from the I think it's sentire senti suits to rubber to leather all of your bits bridal harnesses tack saddles hoves shoes mains pony hoods all of that is absolutely wonderful but gear does not make the pony so those are I mean just some of the things you could have and I forgot a tail I don't know how I could forget a tail but your main your tail all of that all of that is nice all of that is wonderful and you don't have to have specifically the expensive stuff to be a pony in fact some of the mains that I have are I mean simple and you know I can throw my hair into a ponytail and add a ponytail and add a hair tie that is set with specific ribbons and strings and such like that and that's my main for the day and it still puts me in the right head space so doesn't have to be fancy and you know you can also build on it too so yeah you also skipped over collars and cuffs oh I did skip over collars and cuffs I'm so sorry I'm like I was going through all the things but yes you can totally and completely have collars you can have cuffs I have my own collar I have my own special cuffs my point I was trying to make was that gear doesn't make the pony but you know having a collar that you specifically want to use for your pony head space is great you can start off with something simple and work your way up you can also find cuffs and ears and harnesses yes now you just skipped over collars and cuffs and guess what I bought for you my feelings are not hurt at all it's okay I absolutely adore my collars and cuffs you can stop that like my collars and cuffs come out every single event just because my cuffs are look like pony hoves but I have to pull them down just right and if I don't want them to look quite like pony hoves depending on where I'm at I can pull them up just a little bit however for me it still connects me to rabbi and it also connects me to the leather community and my greater kink community at large so yeah that's one of those things that I absolutely enjoy having they're really cool they look like regular cuffs until you make a fist and flex and then they look like cuffs because they're not cut straight right and got them off at sea they were made by somebody in the Ukraine so given what's happened in the Ukraine you might not be able to get them anymore it's gotta say my ears were made in the Ukraine so I'm not sure I'd be able to get those either but I know that there are other ears out there on edsay and my collar is absolutely unique as well yes I had that custom made for you by in my alimo shout out cool yes but it's a very instead of rather the regular steel o-ring those two steel o-rings are both sides of a bit which is awesome because that means I always have a little bit of my pony with me no matter where I'm at so what other type of equipment would be helpful not required so helpful equipment is things like vet wraps you can find that anywhere literally anywhere you can use it to wrap up your hands to become into fists to create your hooves if you want to leave your hands free then you can wrap your wrists so you can wrap your ankles you can find lunch lines and lead lines at things like at tractor supply whips those are useful if you are most times I'm not a big whip person but there is a huge whip uh what do you call it because I just lost yes lunge whip sorry I lost my train of thought lunge whip which doesn't actually touch the pony at all it is used just as a noise maker in order to get your pony to move so here's what a lunge whip looks like it is a long stick with a bull whip on the end it is highly inaccurate to move but it is real easy to make a cracking noise and you want to make the cracking noise right behind your pony to make them move you do not want to hit the pony with it whether that's a biopony or a human pony don't use it for that pretty sure you'll piss a bunch you'll piss a bunch ponies off especially if uh you know that's not something that's been negotiated in the scene now like a riding crop whip you're good with yeah and we get crops and ropes in order to do our bits and bridles and leads for the ropes crops so unless you've negotiated it as part of your play crops are not meant to be used to um used as impact play for your pony crops are typically used in a little in pony play as more of just a gentle prod or using it when you are driving your pony to tell them as to what you would like to do next so if you're moving them from a walk to a trot and you're not trying to make any noise you can use your crop to give direction across the back of your pony or tell them if you want them to do what's called a high step to look fancy when they're walking that type of thing you can use your crop to give direction um then there's different bits such as a snaffle bit and those are varied in size and in shape while the bit in general isn't but it is two pieces of metal that are connected together in the center and snaffle just means that it moves in the middle but then you can have different bits that are harsher or less harsh depending on what you want for your pony's mouth there's your bridle your reins ground poles jumps and any items for obstacles so those are all the good things to be able to use as far as like helpful bits of equipment again not a requirement so call it about safety so some of the safety things with pony play is that sensitive considered one of the strenuous types of pet plays because of what you're doing and moving around and such you need to stay hydrated so it is important to remember to take breaks and drink clots of water or something that'll help keep you hydrated especially if you're like wearing a hood outside in the middle of summer yes or especially if you are rubber pony um learn that in order to make sure like your pony stays hydrated because nobody wants a passed out pony that is not anybody's idea of a good time um you want to make sure that you are careful with your harnesses and your rope and where those fall and how it how it is especially with if you're using a rope harness you don't want to get your rope harness to be too tight and then add rope as far as like your reins go um you can have your reins attached to somebody's shoulders in the harness versus the bit against their mouth and that's one of those things where you want to make sure that you use an appropriate bit if you are using a metal bit make sure that you wrap that bit with either vet wrap or seal tack or even having a soft squishy covering to go over the metal because you want to protect your mouth that being said um you know you want to make sure that whoever is handling your reins also is aware to not jerk and be mean with the reins either against your mouth like in movies you always see the cowboy yanking back on the reins as hard as they can don't freaking do that you shouldn't be doing that with a bio horse definitely don't do it with a human in practice all you're really doing is maybe tugging on at a tiny bit with your fingers to turn them in a direction if they're being really stubborn yeah then you might pull back a little bit but what you see in the hole in movies dude that horse is so pissed off and angry that just happened oh i'm sure i mean i would be pissed off and angry that that just happened too yeah and horses have a gap in between their teeth where the bit fits humans do not so you can fuck up your teeth get your if you're not doing proper things with the bit and especially if your brighter slash handler is being a dick and yanking back on it yeah this is what um you'd find out real fast as to my name of low pony bites should that happen now if you wanted to do that you could use the bit gaga yeah and just soft and some people will use a bit gag to get started with pony play because they're not sure and they want to make sure that they don't have somebody that's gonna fuck up their mouth so using a bit gag is for sure absolutely a good place to start um especially if you are unsure and not and wanting to reduce and be aware of your risk and follow what fits your risk profile and then my favorite safety tip on our list is always make sure your ponytail is short enough it doesn't drag the ground especially if it's a butt plug especially if you're going to a bar because you don't want somebody to step on it and it to pop out spontaneously that also would hurt especially if somebody yeah depending as to what size plug that you had in so yes please make sure that your pony tails um your tails are short enough that nobody is going to step on your tail at the same token for those who are not wearing and a plug as a tail and you are observing a pony don't pull on the pony's tail especially not without consent not even if you're in third grade in sitting behind your in math class don't pull on the ponytail no don't pull on the ponytail no like the long tails are beautiful but they get stepped on and if that's a tripping hazard that's even when it's not a plug yeah one of my one of the tails that I made is very long and very flowy and it's lovely however I haven't trimmed it because it's beautiful however it is an absolute pain in the ass to wear in a bar and mine was just a pony tail that was put onto a belt versus a plug and I can't tell you the number of times it was stepped on just walking through the bar so yeah it's one of those I need to trim up and take a look as to where I want it to fall but not be a hindrance and get me out of headspace and then we can sense lots and lots and lots of consent especially with breeding scenes other writers other handlers you want to you know vet your person to make sure you know they understand you want to talk about as to you know what's acceptable for a breeding scene are you using a dildo are you using you know the actual person you know talk about how that's going to look if you are doing an internal ultrasound or if you're going to engage in fisting being able to talk about that to make sure that you know you have negotiated what is okay all of that so negotiate negotiate talk about it get consent be clear about it you know have the tough to set conversations all of that good stuff so why are you passionate about pony play because it's fun and gets me out of you know my own head it's an alternative as to a different type of pet play um you know I enjoyed it I very much enjoy it what's your favorite toy in your pony play toy bag my favorite toy my pony play toy bag um like we already talked about the collar and cuffs so it's not that if I'm looking at toys themselves probably have to be my well like cuffs let's see here collar cuffs ears those are definitely some of my faves with my rainbow mane and tail but if we're talking about like equipment items probably one of the reins to be able to be let around what is your biggest pet peeve with pony play oh probably one of the biggest pet peeves with pony play is that ponies require a lot of space to be able to play with others and so it has been one of the more difficult sides of of pony play for me to be able to mosh with other pets and so thankfully I have chatted with a lot of people especially in the local community and um local regional esk community to be able to start to figure out how we can incorporate and engage more ponies in moshing especially when it's predominantly puppy so trying to create that diversity in you know moshing and such like that without using a huge space to be able to do it is there anything else you would like to tell us about pony play um I can't think of anything right now I know we've covered quite a bit okay then our standard questions for every guest now they're turned on you great what's your favorite swear word oh and I said swear instead of curse do you always say curse word I'm like I think that's what you had written down oh well that is not a word I use what's your favorite swear word stop stalling stalling get it oh let's see here probably a combination of bitch fuck because that just covers so much asshole yeah those are some of my faves I don't think I've ever heard you say the word bitch until right now it's probably one that I use more often when you're driving by yourself you got it okay that's fair yeah okay if you had to if you had to have sex with one moped which moped would it be and why dude I don't know that is not something that's ever like totally and completely crossed my mind even though like you ask it of absolutely everybody yeah um I don't think my mind really goes there as to that well I'm asking you're buying to go where really it really doesn't like think to go there I don't know maybe animal because you know it would always be a good time okay yeah I don't know I really don't animal is such the safe choice fine wolf how's that and be rolf so you could do a doggy style you got it all day long all right well thank you for talking about pony play today you've been a super cool gaster something like that oh thank you thank you for having me it's been a pleasure I'm telling you for at least there's we have upcoming classes both in person and virtually on electro play and chain fisting and a few other things nice play coming up ratti dotties so check out our website for the deets on that but that is it for today that's our show say goodnight little bit can I eat a little bit