Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then … *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
I am your host, and they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagogue. I am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day, and a kink educator by night, and in both those roles, I help people make their kink a religious experience. While I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your specific situation.
Ep8 - "Whip It Good" with WhipFather
Ep8 - "Whip It Good" with WhipFather
Learn the basic practices of whip play and a short history lesson. Learn the parts of the whip, different types of whips and recommendations for setting the scene and risk-aware safety.
Whipfather’s journey began w/ his 1st whip. He didn’t know what that would turn into. When he tied up his boyfriend at twenty, he began to suspect. Despite hints of SM throughout his life, he didn’t act on them, staying on the leather fringe. At 21 he moved from small town PA to San Diego. In '88, he became clean/sober, joining Knights on Iron, a clean/sober gay motorcycle club. Getting involved with other groups, he created Hot Ash, San Diego. He learned of LeatherFest3, and after attending wanted to get involved. A friend chaired the event, suggested he help w/ LeatherFest4, and would eventually encourage him to take his place. Whipfather co-chaired LeatherFest5.
Clean/sober for 5 years but needing more support, he helped start a Leather/SM AA meeting, Sobriety and Miracles. In '97, he attended the 1st Leather Leadership Conference, began working with MCC, Leather Ministries, and Hemperial Court de San Diego, and set up events for heMsL.
Welcome to the SINagogue. they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagoguge.and am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day and a kink educator by night, I help people make their kink a religious experience. I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your situation.
Reminder, we try to make our content as inclusive as possible regardless of gender, orientation, role in the lifestyle, etc., but we do inherently speak from our own point of view. We want to learn from our mistakes. If you feel like we said something offensive, let us know. Reach out via our website or call us at 469-269-0403.
Today’s show was brought to you in part by the letters S and M, and the Number 69.
*San Dimas High School Football Rules*
Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
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Hosting with me today is my partner, my ADHD squirrel wrangler, my submissive, my brat, my little my pony, or just my little pony, the bullwink-hole to my rocky little bit. This is episode number eight, and with us today is Whipfather to talk about Whips. Hi, thank you for having me today. Learn the basic practices of Whipplay and a short history lesson. Learn the parts of the whip and the different types of whips and recommendations for setting the scene for mood and risk-aware safety. But first, a word from our sponsor. Whipfather's journey began at seven with his first whip. He didn't know what that would turn into. When he tied up his boyfriend at 20, he began to suspect. Despite hints of SNM throughout his life, he didn't act on them, staying on the fringe of leather, at 21 he moved from small town Pennsylvania to San Diego. In 1988, he became clean and sober, later joining Knights of Iron, a clean sober gay motorcycle club. Getting involved with other groups, he created Hotash San Diego. He learned of Leatherfest 3 and after attending wanted to get involved. A friend chaired the event and suggested he help with Leatherfest 4 and would eventually encourage him to take his position. With Father Co-Chair, Leatherfest 5. Clean and sober for five years but needing more support helps start a Leather SNM AA meeting, sobriety and miracles that continues to this day. He served on the board of NLA/CLABX for five years. In 1997, he attended the first Leather Leadership Conference began working with MCC. Leather Ministries and HEMPRO CORT D-SAN-D-AGO. Set up events for he MSL 1998 E.Co. chaired Leatherfest 10 and provided workshops for Leather Realm and Mr. San Diego Leather. During this time, Whitfather worked on the San Diego Leather History Project, went to school for museum studies, worked full time and created Whitbart, which I am going to ask about later because that sounds fascinating. These honors include a Leather Sentinel Award from NLA San Diego 1997, Mr. San Diego Leather. Leather prints for life with the HEMPRO CORT D-SAN-D-AGO Lifetime Achievement Awards from Leatherfest in San Diego Leather Awards. Sisters of perpetual indulgence granted the title of Saint Mark. After moving to Cincinnati in 2009, life was simple. They were to venture out, living and playing in the lifestyle again. Since moving, he has hosted men's only parties and presented for T-PAC since NLA and Klau, including single-tail workshops, extreme whipping, cigar play and crucifixion. He currently works with Recovery in Lifestyle and leaves a full unexpected life. He has the best boy ever, is happy and love and enjoys life to the fullest. With 35 plus years of experience, he considers himself still teachable, wanting to learn new things. He comes with old guard experience and changes with today's environment. Welcome to the show, Whitfather. Thank you. Tell us about Whips. Well, let's start from the beginning. How does that sound? Sounds perfect. So we're going to give you a little history lesson. Okay. You know, Whips have mostly been used for the control or management of animals without hitting, you know, without hitting them and men for the means of punishment. In a time when agriculture, construction work and transportation were dependent upon animal power. And cattle were raised in the open range, driven to market and whips were a common place of everyday life. There were many types and many styles. Today the skill is a workplace in the workplace, largely confined to American and Australian cattlemen. However, it's been maintained and developed by Shomen in the Western shows, rodeos, animal trainers in the circuses. If we still have those, I'm not sure about that. And by whip artists in theaters and rent fairs, most punishment whips have been shorter in lengths, not more than three feet long. Long whips were used to drive labor as in slavery or prison labor. And slaves were often described by the type of whips that were used on them. The Romans introduced whipping into their religious ceremonies, especially the festival of the Lepuricle. It performed in the honor of the God pan and named for the place under the Palatine Mountain where sacrifices are performed. This takes place on the 15th of February every year. So if you miss Valentine's Day, you have the Lepuricle. Well, there we go. Yeah, yeah. So that's my little history lesson of what I have learned over the years. Okay. So we have a question from a Twitter follower who wanted to go basic and explain the different types of whips like bullsignal, steak, etc. Sure. Let's see. There are three main types. There's the bull whip, black snakes, and stock whips. And whatever you use is your personal preference. And it's if not dictated by the availability of where you live. Bullwips have a hard rigid handle and are unloaded and they're braided to the tapering point. And this is a great whip to use. The variation on the bull whip has a handle that rotates and it's called a swivel handle bull whip. So who knew? Black snakes are also a shot whip. And what I mean by that is the whip is loaded. Usually with lead shot about two thirds of the length, it doesn't have a rigid handle and the whips are flexible all the way to the top and the bottom. And this is a good whip for all types of shots. And the black whip or I'm sorry, the black snakes and the bullwips are similar but can be thought of as American whips. And the bull whip is lighter to carry around. A black snake is smaller so you can coil that up. They are equivalent in effect, but the bull whip is known to be more accurate. Now the stock whip, they are a little different and they have two parts. A handle much like a riding crop and is braided all the way down to the thong. The whip is hinged to it and is narrow. Narrow, wow I can't speak today. This is an Australian design and most Aussie whips are of this kind. It is the most accurate of all of them. Very fast in action but it is harder to master because of the handle and requires more rooms of throw. It is likely that you will throw a bull whip or a black snake as opposed to a stock whip. Now I have a couple of more that I want to hit on this topic. Sure. Yeah, the single tails or single whips which those names are interchangeable. They are usually shorter and they are 3 to 4 feet. They lack a fall and sometimes are loaded, sometimes are not. They have a loose, flexible handle permanently attached to the lash in the cracker. These were introduced as dogs led racing whips although they don't hit the dogs but they just make the sound. So the BDSM community has taken over with these because you see the more and more in the dungeons and they are easier to use for the limited space that we have. There is also something called a performance hybrid where a pH as the whip people talk about. These are a cross between a stock with a handle and a bull whip. They are primarily made of nylon material and used for whip cracking enthusiasts and you see a lot of them used in the rent fair and the whip cracking contest. There is one that happens every year in LA I have never been but it is supposed to be fun from what I hear. There is a couple of more that are not really whips but they are in the whip family and they are considered whips. So these are galley whips, dragons tails, paracord whip which I might add is a great investment until you learn. You can always buy a nice one later when you are comfortable with it. FYI. Courts, riding crops? Yes. They are also in the whip category. First Buggies, first Buggie Whips which are more like a crop, a cat and an intel, cow whips which are usually nylon rather than leather and they are used to drive cows and are mostly used in the Philippines these days. Fire Whips and they are played with very differently. I have one although I have never used it. And special mentions are a Shambok which are massive whips of rhino or hippo skins and they are used to drive oxen by the South African and later they were used by the South African police to control masses during apartheid and riots. Wow. I am not sure how to pronounce this word. I have listened to it a number of times and I am still not sure if I get it right. It is a Kallilla bin. It is a Chinese word for a unicorn whip used in China and in later the 1900s for martial arts and are made of a steel chain wrapped around leather. So those are all my types of whip. Interesting. I am aware of. So tell me a little bit about the different parts of a whip. I know what a handle is but you mentioned a thong of a whip. I have no idea what that is. No clue. Alright. So and this is a lot better in person. I am sorry we are not in person but I have a whip. I use a bull whip to demonstrate all of this but we will do our best. So the principal part of the whip from the top down. So on the top you have the butt or the button and that is the knob at the top and there may also be a handle loop. Bullwips usually don't have a handle loop but single tails and black snakes do. And the reason they do that is because on a bullwip when you are using it with cows or cattle if it got caught you just let the whip go. If it is connected to your wrist you can't obviously let it go and it will pull them, you know pull the cowboys off their horses so they usually don't have a loop handle. The handle grip is the next part and it is often braided a little differently. And they are on a bullwip though that is the hard part. That is where you hold it. On a single tail on a black snake there is not one of those because they are flexible all the way up. And that leads into the neck and that is where it first starts to be flexible and go down. So if you can imagine the hard part on a bullwip and then it curves a little bit that is considered the neck. And then the body or thong is the main part and that goes all the way down until you get to the point. And the point is the end of where the braiding has happened. Unless we are talking about a single tail then there is no more after that except the cracker. But on a bullwip the next part is a lash or a fall and that is usually a raw high latigo strip and it is attached to the whip at the point and then the cracker is at the end of the lash or the fall and that is a replaceable thing for some. A bullwip definitely you can replace it is replaceable. In a single tail they are woven in so if you need that cracker replaced on a single tail you have to take a tool whip person to fix it for you. So that is kind of the gist of what they look like and what the parts of them. I was just some really good descriptions for being on a podcast and not having the visual. So appreciate that. Absolutely. So all the different types of whips you mentioned are they not safe for kink because I don't like that word safe but appropriate for kink. Well yes and no all of them are appropriate. I personally think however it also depends on the room that you have. So for me if I can do a circle around my head with the whip and I have that much space that's my whip circle. So you know that is my top space is the way I look at that. So if you are going to use a 16 foot bullwip you have to have 16 feet in front of you. Press your arm length 16 feet behind you and 16 feet on both sides. You have to be able to make a circle with that whip. And as long as you know a lot of times with bullwips and long whips they are done outside as opposed to in a dungeon where we use the forefoot because they are just easier and you know not all spaces are available to have that much room. But if you got the room and you can handle it I say go for it. So how do you pick out which type of whip is right for you? That goes to skill. You know I always suggest a paracord whip to start out because when you have those you're not putting a big investment in but you know just because you can pick up a whip and you can make it make a sound. Some people don't have the skill set and you know we have plenty of sports that we can play and maybe whips is not your thing. Maybe electricity is more of your thing. But you know if you have the skill set and you can do that I let for my personal journey I let whips sing to me. So if I pick up a whip and it feels good in my hand it sings to me and I go yep I need that one. You know and lately the last one I got made so I didn't really pick it up I had it made for me and I have another one on order to be made for me. And you know and those I wanted with specific colors and something a little different than because a lot of my whips are black so I wanted something with lots of color and you know for God's sakes I am a game man. I need lots of color. So you know you just do your best. But you know if you have the skills and it talks to you I say you know pick up what's best for you but no know your skills. So as somebody who has done vlogging before and if ever wanted to get into whips or you're really really basic newbie person what do you recommend to getting started? I would suggest going to classes for sure. You know and learning from different people I and whip people believe it or not they don't usually work with each other. And so everybody has their own style and I can tell people that I have trained because they they have the same style I do and other people you know they they don't have the same style but going to classes watching other people and and if you're a bottom you know see if that person is willing to play with you but for sure you need to watch what they do you know you have to be able to figure out what's what's good for you and you know we always talk about you know risk of where and you know there's always going to be risk of whereness with whips it is always so I suggest classes in talking to an expert in that field or watching an expert and see if they'll play with you as far as tops I say talk to another whip person they're very helpful and they can teach you a lot of tricks that they've learned over the over the years. There's also a book that I'd like to recommend it's by Dex he's out of Florida Gex and it's Whips in the Dungeon it's a very good book he also does YouTube videos and he's very thorough and you know I've never met him personally I've talked to him but I think he's a fantastic you know he's got a fantastic book and the the YouTube videos are good but you know there's only so much you can do when you're reading there's much more that you could do with hands on. I'd imagine that unlike other forms of impact it does take a lot more practice because you have to do a lot more to aim whips. Indeed, you know I didn't really know anything about whips when I when I got here and I have been playing with them for 35 years and I still learned something new all the time and one of the biggest things that you can do to get where you want to go is practice practice practice and more practice. There isn't any other way to do it except practice and you don't have to practice on a person you know and you can practice with a with a pillow or a sheepskin as Dex uses a lot so that way you can see where where the tail is actually hitting because it is going really really fast and I have been you know I've been doing this for a long time and just so you know the the the reason a whip cracks is because it's moving beyond the speed of sound which is 761.2 at sea level and it changes with altitude and atmospheric temperature or 343 meters per second or you know 12 35 kilometers and it creates a vacuum in space and whips are also the first man made object to break the sound the speed of sound barrier. Okay that little bit of science just sounded sexier and hell thank you for sure. You're welcome and it goes the whips actually go anywhere between 709 hours for our FYI. Wow that's amazing. Well I did do my research. So are there particular safety things you have to be concerned about that you wouldn't have to be for other forms of impact? Absolutely. One of the things is you want to know your skills and I can't stress that enough. You know I wouldn't play with somebody for the first time who's never picked up a whip before. They're they're edgy and they're dangerous. So one of the things that is most important is I always start a little further back and I work my way in and I don't you know you don't want to come off throwing that whip as hard as you can the first time honestly because you do that you're going to scare somebody away you know you come in because everybody says hit me as hard as you can with a whip and no no no no you come in saw and you work your way up. So being back bar enough away from a person and then moving forward and starting out slow and soft and working your way up. Also one of the other things I have learned over the years is if someone's got something in their mouth and they can't speak or they're deaf because I have played with deaf people. I use hand signals because it's just easier and when I get to the spot where I should be where I'm just first starting the skin I have the person who's standing for me raise their hand so I know that I'm at my spot and then I look at where I am because every time you leave that spot that process starts all over again you know and I just start further back and move forward. Although I pretty much know where I am after the first time after they tell me but you know I still want them to tell me yeah you're where you're supposed to be. So with whips are we always hitting with the end of the whip or does it vary by different types of whip or just personal preference? Like that yeah you're always hitting with the end for sure unless you're doing something different you know I guess you could use that handle as an impact toy you know I'm always looking for different ways to do impact but you know there's only like three to four inches of the end of the whip that you want to use and you know some people will just play with the fluff there's a little end of the crepper that's got fluff on it and that's going to be very sensual that's going to be you know softer it's not going to cut however there if you go a little further and you do lashes so maybe using two to three inches of the tail of the cracker is what I'm saying you're probably going to do a little more a little more severity or even cut at that point. Gotcha. So something to be aware of is that if you what was it if you get somebody skin with the cracker and the fluff you're talking about cutting meaning like it can actually break the skin just a little bit. Not usually with the fluff but if you're doing a little further down like using two to three inches of it you depending on how you use it you would you would break the skin you know but you can do it without breaking the skin as well and that takes years of practice to learn how to do. So if you're wanting to do blood play wanting to draw blood just faster harder stronger or is there more to it than that. There's more to it than that. You again you want to start out slow and work your way up to that. How I think about Whip Play is music. There are ebbs and flows and there are mountains and valleys and that's the way I play with the whip. So I'll start off working my way up going up going up going up and then maybe coming back down a little bit then I start up up again going up up up up and then I bring it back down again because you want to play at a level where that person has their skills and because you come out if you come out blazing you know with I like to use a point system so one through ten. So if you come out with a nine it's going to be a bit much for a person to take at the very beginning even with experienced people I don't usually do that. And then but working your way up they get they get the flow of it and like I said it's like music so it goes up and down up and down up and down and the longer you can do that the longer your scene will be and the farther you can go. And you would you know I like to use a weighted whip when I'm going to definitely do blood play because they're a little they're a little heavier. Because the weights are at the at the tail towards the cracker and the the shot usually goes for about three fourths of the length. It just depends on the whip makers style and what they do but usually three fourths of it and the tail part of it is usually not not weighted. And that lends to the what was it if you're doing blood play that the weighted whip lends to the extra little bit of something that you might need in order to intentionally break skin of where you would like it to be. Yes. I mean you can do it without with a shot in it. It's just a little harder to do it takes a lot longer whereas I don't have to work as hard if I've got a shot with completely fair. So a couple years ago I picked up a bull whip at Goodwill. I have to assume it is a crappy costume whip but how would people know if what they're wanting to buy is a good whip a quality whip versus you know a piece of crap. That's a loaded question right by. Okay. It's a lot. Those things that you see in places where they don't sell whips, they're usually not as good as quality. I would say go to a reputable whip maker. There are some that I could you know that I definitely recommend but I would look on that life if you wanted a quality whip as opposed to going to the sex shops not that you can't find them there but a whip maker is going to you know they'll do specifically what you want and events you can buy things at events they're going to be more quality. I have one that I show that came from like I don't know I don't even know where it came from probably Goodwill I don't know and you know it is just a piece of garbage and it's cost to me you know or even like the ones you see around Halloween those are you know those are not ones that I would do is on a person. I would make sure that it's it's braided correctly and you know if you wanted it loaded which I not loaded which I our people are the best people who make them because I know what it's like. What is braided correctly me well there are like there are it's what it's called is plating and this is a this is a big a big deal or a lot of people and plating is the number of strands that the whip is braided at its widest point so a 16 platt would start with 16 for about halfway down the the whip then the whip maker dropped some of the stand the strands and are put into the whip's core so that it can taper to the end making it 6 to 8 strands by the end. Standard whips usually are braided with force four seams three are visible and you're able to see it in a B B formation and you know so for your math people you know you have four seams and they have three strands so four times three is twelve and that would be a twelve platt whip so the higher the platt so some of them are some of them are more you can get I don't know I've seen up to 32 but the best way and easiest way is if there's a tag on it they'll have two numbers and the first number will be referring to the plating and the second number will be the number refers to the count on the thong so this rules not set in stone but if you don't know just ask like I can look at a whip now and figure out how many platt are on something and not to say that an eight-platt whip which is which for me is my personal favorite I've used one whip for over 35 years and it's an eight-platt I love it I go to it all the time but I also have a 20-platt whip so the more platt you have the higher the cost yeah and then also with higher platt your your strands are thinner so they're easier to break and it could cause damage to the whip depending on how it's used if it's used in correctly. Gotcha and if you damage any of the platt does that mean your whip then has to be I guess rebreeded in order to be usable again or is it like hey we're done we're done like it's broken we're done. I haven't had this personally happen to me but okay I think once once one of these strands break I would say that it doesn't work anymore and you would probably need a new one at that point there's no repairing because it's it's worked all the way in so you would have to get rid of that whip and get it new one but you know if you take care of them and you use them and you love them they will last you a lifetime. So then what are some good tricks to taking care of your whip? It's a great leading question. I'm like you made a comment it made for a nice second one. Yeah you did didn't you. I am let's see how do I want to do this. I like to clean mine all down once a year for sure and I wipe them down with you know with you can use soapy water to wipe them down and or a leather cleaner one of the two and then after it dries and you should always hang them by the way they should always be hung as opposed to coiled up. So once that part is done you can use it something called Picards. It's a conditioner and FYI Picards is sold in little tubs at Duluth trading and they're perfect because you know I'm I made the mistake of buying a big tub early on because I thought oh I need lots of this. Now you don't need much you need to put a little bit in your hand maybe the size of a dime if that and just run it through the hole through all the way from the the but or the button all the way down to the point and if it's a if it's a bullwhip and it's got a latch or a fall on it you want to put that on there too. You don't need to put that on the nylon part then the nylon part is the part that actually hits a person. I use to clean those a germicidal solution like bad aside FD it's a one step cleaner and this is what they use for medical cleaning like they clean tools and spaces and stuff and you can put that on there but you need to let it dry before you ever use it because you don't want to apply that to the skin at all. Gotcha okay thank you. So we're hanging them instead of coiling them because the leather will take on that dress. Yes they will and you don't want them coils you want them to to stay skate in one you know in a full length position because they will and is that just is that just during cleaning or all I do it all the time when I'm not using them or carrying them they're hung up Gotcha and I don't and I don't let the sun beat down on the meat. I'm sure that dries it out really like any other leather it will dry them out and you don't want that No no particularly you've you've talked about leather ones you've talked about our paracord ones are there any other common materials that whips are made out of? Not usually not that I can think of they're usually just those just those two and the paracord ones believe it or not you can throw those in the in the wash you can use put those in the washer. Yeah nice that's it. Yeah clean up way or you know method of cleaning. So what is your favorite whip in your toy bag? It is a four foot oh I don't know if I can say that uh too late and uh you're good. Well he doesn't like he doesn't like to sell to our people uh yeah oh he's not one of the the people who like to sell to us he's not a one of our people let's put it that way. No worries and he um so I have an eight-plat four foot whip that I absolutely love and I go to it all the time and it it's like butter it really is it wiggles all the way from the top to the bottom and it's my all-time favorite and it's my go-to all the time if I'm playing with somebody new I'm gonna go with that whip and it's a single tail by the way. Nice. Gotcha. Is there uh I mean what do you what's a typical length on one of these because I mean I've heard of them being like 16 foot long you were talking about a four foot one. The single tails are usually four feet and a bull whip is usually longer six to 20 feet. A black snake will and a single tail falls within the black snake family so you and make it black snakes can also be as long as a double whip as well. Single tails are specific to being four feet long because they're used for dog sleds and I kind of thought it was funny when I first bought this because I lived in San Diego and they're there for dog sleds and I'm sure the whip maker uh whose name I won't I won't say um they probably thought why is this guy living in San Diego buying a dog sled whip? yeah you know we're just practicing our dogs dogs sledding in San Diego although it was probably done probably done in the sand as opposed to snow. True this is true. So what makes you passionate about whips as opposed to other forms of kink? That is that is the one you know the one thing that I know most about it really is and you know having a whip at seven years old because an uncle brought one back from Texas it was an old cow whip a black and white cow whip and uh I've been I've been playing with whips for a very long time because this year I'm gonna turn 60 and uh so from seven to 60 you know and they they they seem to be what what trips my trigger an awful lot you know I there's there's nothing like seeing someone dance in front of me and when I say dance I'm doing air quotes just so you know uh I don't because you know you can't really see and I like to I don't like to put people in bondage when I'm playing with whips because I want them to move about so that they can uh shake shake off you know the pain and they can usually go a little further so it I love to see them dance is what it boils down to and when I'm really I know how much pain they they cause and that is also definitely a thing that I absolutely love maybe I'm a modern day marquee de sod but if someone is uh having a good time I'm usually having a good time and if you hear me laughing because I will uh I'm having a very good time so it's something that brings me joy how's that that's a good thing um so there are many folks out there that don't qualify themselves as or like they wouldn't label themselves as should say as being a heavy bottom to do whips like at least in their opinion um can somebody who is a lighter bottom still enjoy whips absolutely and I think I have taught many people about whips even people that were terrified of of whips and people that have had bad experiences I I think this all falls back on the whip for a war if you started at 10 and you know this person says yeah go for it that's not the way to start and so I have people that I have taught or people that I've played with I don't want to say taught although I've taught them this too you can use whips for very sensual play um there are many things you could do with a whip that uh that don't involve you know going to blood or cracking the skin open or any of that like I have put a whip just around you know someone's throat you know just lightly go go around it and uh you know and I have just used the fluff part of doing whipping and that's more of a sensual play and I will uh play with a person if they if they've never done this before that's where we're gonna start because I funny but true story I had a friend who years and years and years oh this is probably when I first started she said to me oh I don't want you to leave any marks on me you know I don't want you to break open my skin or any of that stuff and I'm like okay I can do that because I like to say I can hit the side of a barn and so so she she didn't want any marks or any of that stuff so we we we had this beautiful sensual you know seen and I'm I'm you know doing some aftercare and she looks at me and she goes next time we play make me into a hamburger and I'm like well and you know she has played that way ever since ever since and she when I would give a whip class in San Diego she would be my person that would do the the demo with me because I could take her to blood in 20 minutes yeah amazing but I'm gonna guess she was also judging your skill as to hey I'm wanting to play with play with me in this whip and don't leave any marks but still let me have a good time but that was her first time that was her very first time and after that she was like no I don't want this soft stuff anymore I want I want I want I want you to make me a new hamburger she was in me she's an amazing player that's amazing so circling back tell us about with art my whip art I haven't done it in a while but I did do it for a long time and what I would do is I had a paracord well at first I used one of my leather whips which was a big mistake don't do that so I got a paracord whip and I would put a paint on the end of the cracker and I would throw it against a canvas so this way I could see what kind of marks I could make with it and it just kind of evolved from there and I'd be happy to send you some of the pictures of the paintings that I that I do have and I will put those pictures in with the chapter markers and and I I tried to make a go of it for a while but it wasn't something that a lot of people were interested in a lot of people that have dungeons were interested in it or you know I did a few commission pieces and and there's only as far as I know there's only one other person in the world and I've actually talked to him he's in Australia that he does paint by the whip as well so I'm usually four feet away from the canvas and throwing it and my canvases are usually what I like to use as a 12 by 12 space although I have gone down to a four by four space and I also have a three foot by three foot that take forever so is it abstract or are you making an actual picture pictures they're they're always abstract they're okay they're always you know they're sort of like pointillism if you know anything about art yeah yeah I like to call it whippleism so so they're little they're little marks and I have on a big canvas I have one in particular because after I did that I'm like I'm not doing another big one like this anymore but I have the three foot one and I did make a tree out of it so you know it's just most of the time they're just abstract though so before we transition into the part of the show we like to call inside the kinkster studio is there anything else we need to know about wips yes or more so for other people how's that okay and this is for the the whip catchers or bottoms um know your tops you know don't let the top decide for you you know you have just as much uh say in what's happening and the other you know the other thing is um I like to think of you know things that don't practice on a person first uh that's really a a big thing and a top note is uh don't be afraid of your whips you're going to be for sure because you are going to hit yourself and I suggest we're in a a wide brim hat and uh glasses of some sort when you're first learning because you are going to hit yourself and you know eventually eventually you know that that fear will go away but if it doesn't go away again you might want to try a different sport because we have plenty to choose from and uh you know and bottoms please know the skill level of your of of your tops you know you and that's with everything it's not just whips but you know and whips is one of those things that if if if if someone said to me let's go have a scene with whips the first time I suggest declining that you know unless you know the skills of that person it's not something to play with the first time unless you know of court you're asking me then that'll hold a different story but uh you know just just and know your monster and what I'm what I'm seeing when I say this is uh you have to learn who you are this took me a long time to learn I had to know who I am and my abilities and uh you know I had a I had to learn how to keep control of my monster and not go too far so you know you've got to be able to read the person's body and you know and there is fun you know there's fun in all of this and breathing is really important for the whip catcher uh they need to you know they need to learn how to breathe and I coach people on breathing when I'm playing with whips so you know I think those are a lot of you know a lot of little pointers that that people don't think of good tips definitely so let's get to know whip father a little bit. God Lord here's my first question. Have you always been whip father or did you have another name in the beginning and slowly acquired the whip father moniker? It was usually just my name and uh when FetLife when I involved FetLife I didn't really want to put my real name out there so I chose I chose whip father and you know on on Facebook I marked smokes and so I have a big fetish for cigars as well so you know there's there's always been that as well but whip father has always been you know something that I I thought you know it's kind of nice it's it shows the daddy side of me and it shows whip so it shows the the district side and the surf side so you know it just it just sort of transpired that way. Fair enough like it fits you so you know let's see here so what are three words that you would describe your play as? Oh, consensual I'm all about consent open because I'm open to all kinds of up play when it comes to whips or anything else for that matter and I'm edgy. I'm definitely edgy because I like to go right up to the line and then stick my toes over the line if I can't just keep it right there. What would you say your biggest failure has been in kink and what did you learn from it? Biggest fail you know I can't really think of one but the my biggest failure is something that most people don't know and it's it's something I forget to mention sometimes is it's not a failure it's a plus but I am blind in one of my eyes so I have no depth perception. Yeah and I play with whips. Yeah so I okay that's an amazing way to be right there. Yeah so you know it is something that I've had to deal with my whole life and my eye just never finished developing as a child so it's a developmental problem which fortunately today if they find it soon enough within the first six months of a child's birth they can correct it but at the time when I was born they didn't know how to correct it so you know it's not really a failure it has it has served me well but if I had two eyes it would have been a lot easier. Sure I mean I've in some ways that I have to think that is an asset when it comes to playing with whips because you're not guessing at distances where other people might be. That's a fair to say. Very fair to say. That's why I know where it's going to go. I know exactly you know in a general area I know where it's going to go. So kind of I guess what is the biggest thing since you know no mistakes at least not being able to think of it what is the biggest thing that you've learned from on your journey like the biggest thing you've learned? My biggest thing was learning my monster for sure. When I was younger I didn't know you know what you know I like to think of myself as sort of like Jekyll and Hyde and I didn't really know you know that that monster and it took me a really long time to learn that monster because you know I was terrified that that when I started in this journey that you know someone was going to pick me up and I was going to be you know chopped up into little bit of pieces they never heard from again which you know it's not true and and now after all these years now I'm the one who chopped up little bit people into little bit of pieces and they're never heard from again but you know I kind of wish that I had understood and knew what that monster was earlier in my journey. Fair definitely fair. What would you say your catchphrases are? Oh I don't know the one I use a lot is I'm the nicest satist you will ever meet. I'm thinking about having that put on my attack but you know just to be clear I'm still a satist and the other one I use at work all the time and again not being within your presence right now my hands shake in front of my body and it says this is hard to resist. Yes. So one of my favorite questions that I absolutely love to ask everybody what's your favorite swear word? You know I try not to swear the older I've gotten it's kind of weird maybe I'm just old but I would say my favorite swear word because I use it all the time and it's really not really a hard word it's god damn it. I get mad in those the first words that come out of my mouth so it's gotta be my favorite. That works that absolutely works. And then we'll wrap up with my favorite question to ask if you had to have sex with one muppet which muppet would it be and why? You know this is hard because I've got three choices there but I'm gonna I'm only gonna pick one. It would have to be beaker and the reason oh my gosh I know and the reason I pick him is I think if I was whipping beaker he would have fantastic sounds coming out of him and it would totally make me laugh. That is awesome and I can totally see that. And I have no idea why but I knew you were going to say beaker because yep what father's going to beaker. The other one was the sweetest chef and uh doctor or uncle deadly. Oh yeah took me hot men to put the face of uncle deadly yeah I just think he's cool. All right well that about does it for today thank you for coming on the show thank you for telling us all about whips for our listeners upcoming synagogue in person in virtual classes on electro play chain fisting knife play checker website for days times locations all that kind of fun stuff but that's it that's our show say goodnight little bit. Goodnight little bit. We're done.[Music]