Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then … *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
I am your host, and they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagogue. I am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day, and a kink educator by night, and in both those roles, I help people make their kink a religious experience. While I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your specific situation.
Ep18 - "Tight, Slick and Oh So Shiny: Getting Familiar With Latex" with Lexi
Ep18 - "Tight, Slick and Oh So Shiny: Getting Familiar With Latex" with Lexi
An introduction to latex fashion and kink, we'll discuss what makes latex so great for sensation play, feeling like a superhero, bondage, or even just everyday wear. It can be overwhelming to get into, so we'll talk about what to look for when purchasing, how to get it on, how to care for it, how this kink has crossovers with other kinks, and more.
Lexi has been exploring and enjoying the wonders of latex for over 20 years. She has always been a sensation-seeker, and when she stumbled upon the existence of latex clothing online (with her dial-up connection!) back in the late 90's, she knew this was her destiny. She started her latex wardrobe in 2007 and has since developed a modest collection of latex garments of all kinds. She loves sharing her enthusiasm and experience gained from the years of research, trial-and-error, and of course play with this wonderful material.
Welcome to the SINagogue. they call me the Rabbi. I put the SIN in SINagoguge.and am a cisgender, ambimorous, gynesexual, sadistic bratty daddy-dom. Sex therapist by day and a kink educator by night, I help people make their kink a religious experience. I am a mental health professional, this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy. Seek out the assistance of a trained professional for help with your situation.
Reminder, we try to make our content as inclusive as possible regardless of gender, orientation, role in the lifestyle, etc., but we do inherently speak from our own point of view. We want to learn from our mistakes. If you feel like we said something offensive, let us know. Reach out via our website or call us at 469-269-0403.
Today’s show was brought to you in part by the letters S and M, and the Number 69.
*San Dimas High School Football Rules*
Shalom and Welcome to the SINagogue. This is a podcast for consenting adults for information, education, and entertainment on BDSM, sexuality, and all things related. If you’re not a legal, enthusiastically consenting adult, then *pick up the needle, press pause, or turn the radio off*.
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Hosting with me today is my partner my HD squirrel Wrangler my submissive my brat my little my pony or just my little pony The jony to my cha-chi little bit wow Dude you've you've picked out some wow Okay, jony loves cha-chi though. I get this This is episode number 18 and with us today is Lexi to talk to us about tight slick and oh so shiny getting familiar with latex an Introduction to latex fashion and kink will discuss what makes latex so great for sensation play Feeling like a superhero bondage or even just every day wear it can be overwhelming to get into So we'll talk about what to look for when purchasing how to get it on how to take care of it How this kink has crossovers with other kinks and more but first a word from our sponsor Lexi has been exploring and enjoying the wonders of latex for over 20 years She has always been a sensation seeker and when she stumbled upon the existence of latex clothing Online with her dial-up connection back in the late 90s. She knew this was her density. I mean destiny She started her latex Wordrobe in 2007 and has since developed a modest collection of latex garments of all kinds She loves sharing her enthusiasm and experience gained from the years of research trial and error of course play with this wonderful material Thank you for being here in the synagogue, Lexi. Let's talk latex. Hey, welcome. Thanks for having me. It's gonna be fun. Hey So latex I Very frequently get people coming to me and say what do I do? How do I get into this? It's so shiny, but I'm overwhelmed And I get it like you see all these photos online of people with all these shiny super tight pretty outfits And you don't even know where to go and so there's I You know, I give these classes and talks to try to help share the basics About latex because it's so fun and so enjoyable and I like to see other people Get to enjoy this just as much as I do So I would really like to know what you Someone who maybe does not know about latex fashion latex wear or the keg like what is the first thing that you Want to know about latex fashion? So the first question I have is in the kink sense is rubber and latex interchangeable or those two different things So technically they are different things one is a natural product the other is synthetic, okay, but For the you know for all intents and purposes the terms are used interchangeably And most for most you know nearly all applications you don't need to know the difference Most for the fashion the latex wear all the kink stuff. It's all made of natural latex Which is produced from the sap of the rubber tree and being a natural product One thing to be aware of when the first thing to be aware of is that it can be an allergen sure And so many people you know, you probably aware many people do have latex allergies And that does come into play with latex clothing quick question on the allergy aspect Are there alternatives for anybody who's who might have a latex allergy but says oh, it's pretty it's shiny and I love like how it hugs things and hugs the body I want to get into it But I don't want to deal with the allergy aspect of it. Yeah, my putting it on Yes In my opinion, especially there are no great alternatives I'd say the closest thing would probably be PVC or vinyl clothing You know you get that high shine that high gloss that smooth texture It also has a lot of other benefits to it for people who may not like the maybe looming up or pattering up to you know Slick into a really tight garment It's got a fabric backing so it's nice and smooth. You don't sweat as much But it's not gonna have the same kind of like body hugging Cocoon like feeling of some of the tighter latex garments But you at least get that you know high gloss look out of PVC garments So I'm going to guess that Cocooning feeling you just mentioned is part of why it appeals to you. Yes It is one of many reasons why latex appeals to me. I'm a sensory seeker I feel like you know I'm on the spectrum and I have sort of sensory processing things and tight clothing is One thing that really does something for me So if I'm wearing like a latex cat suit, I get this full body hug all over and it's just like It's relaxing. It's calming It even like it warms up to your body temperature and it's just you like you've got this full body hug going on But that's one only one of the appeals of it to me It is a feast for the senses, which is why you know it appeals so much to me as a sensory seeker It's you've got the visual with the gloss the second skin look sometimes not not all latex is second skin You know there's plenty of flowy items out there It's got the feel of the texture. It is super smooth And so I can like find myself just like rubbing my hands all over my body because I love The feeling of that smoothness It's got an aroma some people I get some people don't like the aroma it can be pretty strong I've developed a Mental connection with the smell of the rubber in all the experiences I've had in it latex makes you know sound You know as you move your hands over as you're putting it on I'm off you can hear that Nope, yeah We can totally hear that Okay, okay, because of my head side, but Just that sound that has I have associations with that and so and then of course you got the visual of me seeing other people in latex And that is very appealing and arousing and so latex just like touches all the sensations and That those are a lot of things of why I love it One other reason why I love it is it has sort of transformative Abilities I can wear a full outfit I can cover my head. I can show no skin And I can just become a new person an object a new creature or I could put on a persona and I can leave You know my boring life day-to-day life and create a whole new Personnel and Just leave my cares behind for a bit So those are all the ways that it appeals to me So I have never worn any latex other than a latex glove and I'm going to assume that's a different type of sensation A little bit not too far off honestly and that's what got me started at the beginning as a kid But so latex gloves are pretty similar. I made the same material Latex exam gloves are a little thinner than the material that's made for latex clothing It's what's not as durable But it's generally got the same sensation So if you wear like a really tight latex exam puff That will generally give you a taste of the sensation But the latex is used to make clothing Is definitely thicker Generally It's made of sheeting that's anywhere between a quarter millimeter thick to A millimeter or even a millimeter more for really heavy stuff On average is about 0.3 to 0.4 millimeters And it gets a nice firm hug for a tight fitting garment It also provides some more restrictions So if you wear like heavy latex garments Some people like what's called heavy rubber That's about generally 0.8 to a millimeter thickness sheeting I guess it's sometimes more and that gives you Really heavy constriction and restriction and resistance to your movements And a lot of people really like that Definitely more concuning and more constraining But if you just imagine that glove just all over your whole body And hugging your whole body That's what it's like if you're wearing maybe a dress or You know a shirt and pants or leggings or even a cat suit You know fully covers your body So it is kind of like that A lot of people will say like oh when you're wearing this does it get hot? Do you get sweaty? You know is it uncomfortable? And I'll say it depends Like everything it depends The unfortunate thing about latex is it is a solid sheet And so you will sweat in it And that sweat cannot evaporate So if you're in a warm environment You are going to get warm You're going to get hot You're going to get sweaty And because that sweat can evaporate It is going to accumulate and trickle down your arms and legs And give you off sorts of fun groupie sensations That you may have may not appreciate But generally I say so latex actually transmits heat pretty well So for like the average thickness We're not talking about like super heavy stuff It's almost like you're not wearing anything If you're out in the heat or if your air conditioner is broken You're going to get warm If you're in the cold environment If you're out in the snow or your air conditioner is cranked down though You're going to be cold Because this you know provides no insulation at all So the comfort level and that sort of sensation depends On your environment and on the garment Like right now I'm wearing full pants and a tank top And with my arms being free My body can regulate its temperature pretty well And I'm kind of doing hand motions here as I'm talking You know you can't see it If I were to be doing this wearing a full cast suit with my arms covered I would be building up more heat and getting more uncomfortable even though my air conditioner is wet That is one thing to consider when you know picking out garments Especially if like a first-time wearer I always say you know pick out something small Like a pair of shorts or maybe a t-shirt or a tank top Or maybe a pair of underwear even Because you may not like the sensations or it may be different than you expected it to be And since latex is such an expensive kink to get into These garments are very expensive comparatively to traditional clothing items You don't want to spend a bunch of money like on a cat suit as your very first thing You know spend like two three hundred dollars or more And then not like it Right? Or find your allergic to it How did you get started in discovering latex? Oh um it's quite the story um I This is the story I'd tell myself I'm not sure how a hundred percent accurate it is I feel like I got started as a kid I went through a phase probably I don't know eight to ten years old Where I like to play doctor So going back to where we talked about you know those latex exam gloves I like to wear latex exams gloves and play doctor as a kid And I just you know I really like that sensation of the gloves and that was part of the play And of course it was not sexual it was not kinky it was just play as a kid But I just liked this sensation of feeling the latex gloves And at one point I don't know how old I was like I said eight to ten I just had a thought Wouldn't it be cool if I could cover my whole body in this stuff Totally innocent I'm a kid. No nothing about kink or sex none of that And I just had that that and I you know I grew out of that phase I forgot about the doctor playing I forgot about the latex and sand gloves You know and I was growing older But about middle school all the time That thought came back something triggered it I don't know what it was Something brought that thought back from the back of my mind about Having this rubbery stuff all over my body because I just wanted to feel that And this is the time when we were starting to get home internet and dial up And little innocent me in middle school Hopped on whatever search engine was popular at the time Google wasn't around And I searched for just like generic latex clothing Just I didn't think it was gonna be a thing But I found something there were some early online latex shops Don't remember any of the names of them But I stumbled upon some And I was immediately hooked I had to have this this exists this is cool These people in these you know very early Photos of these in these shops trying to sell some basic latex clothing That's exactly what I wanted I wanted that to be me And they weren't even like super sexual kinky like some of the latex shops are These days in their advertising they were very basic And so from that point on I was hooked And like I started doing a lot more research I frequented these sites and of course as a kid you know These things are a bit sexual so they were You know I kind of fell down a bit of a rabbit hole into some things I shouldn't have gotten into As a high schooler These images of these garments being advertised on these latex shops that kind of became my porn In a way even though it wasn't overtly sexual But I became obsessed And I wanted to know what it felt like to wear this stuff So all through high school that became my obsession And finally in college I had moved out I have my own mailbox now I have a credit card now I can buy something And so I bought my first latex garment in the fall of 2007 as a freshman in college Oh cool And I don't remember was it may have been just a player molded shorts or like a really really cheap hood Or pair of gloves I don't remember what it was but those are what I'm remembering is my first items So that's a long story but that's really how I got into it Very cool Definitely is it safe to assume if you can think of a type of a peril it's also made in latex? Pretty much pretty much you can find any sort of traditional garment you know shirts Like all types of shirts t-shirts tank tops button downs You can find pants whether they're leggings or jeans like I'm wearing a pair of just standard blue jeans But they're made of latex that's why I'm wearing right now You can find dresses you can find lasers you can find hoodies Anything you can imagine you can find it in latex and if it doesn't exist You can obviously go find a desire and say hey I want to make this Okay, you make it for me and you can get cut purely custom designs. I've done that once It's pretty fun. So yeah, if you can think of anything, it's probably made in latex Speaking of making this type of a peril It's not like sewn together or anything like it's manufactured as one piece am I understanding that correctly? So it's not sewn like a traditional garment because you know poking holes with the needle puts Right, you know points of failure into the garment so the Most latex garments are made from sheeding so they're cut with a pattern out of latex sheeding instead of like cotton or whatever And then they're glued together in the seams instead of sewn Which makes it a very laborious process Everything is always is all handmade which is adds to the cost of part of why it's so expensive The material of the sheeding itself is expensive and then it's all manual Manually assembled There are cheaper garments that are more accessible for an entry point for getting into this They're made through a molding process Where there's a mold that's made and it's dipped into liquid latex and then the latex dries on the mold and you peel it off So you can find things like cheap hoods gloves are made that way fox socks you can find shorts and some um stockings Maybe some cheap shirts They're quite a bit less expensive but the problem is they are less durable less robust The latex doesn't dry quite so evenly. There's more imperfections in this sheeding I mean so the garment's not gonna last as long But it is a better easier More accessible way to get into this if try it out see if you like it Got it You said there are cheaper garments Having never looked into this myself. What is cheaper? What is expensive? I know wide range Wide range you can spend as much as you could fathom if you wanted a cheap prop Like like cheap cheap would be like $40 to $50 for a shirt. That's cheap cheap If you want an average one you're probably gonna spend about a hundred dollars for a shirt If you want a nice one probably 200 to 300 for a shirt pants are probably gonna be about one 50 to 200 for a decent pair of pants If you want like a cheap pair of undies you're looking maybe 20, 25 dollars for a cheap pair of underwear or You know 23 dollars for cheap cheap to moderate pair of gloves You're not gonna find tailored gloves those are mostly all molded just because of the nature of how complex you know Fingers are I have seen tailored tailored being you know it cut from the shooting and glued yeah I have seen tailored gloves, but only from like one maybe too many factors I wish more did it because I have narrow hands with long fingers and most gloves do not fit me well But yes, you can spend as much as you want um, I recently bought a very nice dress as a Citadel of celebration for our recent milestone I've had and I paid a little over a thousand dollars for a dress Ooh, was that the pretty purple one that was the pretty purple one oh Let's go arches I have been eyeing that dress for a few years and that is my My most expensive single item that I own now nice As a new person like potentially getting into latex and wearing it is there a specific thickness that you would recommend Yeah, you know when you're looking even if you're even if you're purchasing from You know a vendor website and they're like oh my gosh, you know here's the range of thickness and you're like uh Yeah, which one do I pick yeah usually they'll have a default On the side like when you because so a lot of them will give you some options Obviously you could pick your size of whatever, but then they'll let you pick your color of the shooting And the thickness Usually the default is like 0.35 to 0.4 millimeters So you don't really have to think about that so that's just pretty average That's almost everything that I own and you get a that's you know, it's a nice balance trade-off between you know durability and comfort Okay So you know down to like 0.25 a quarter male and that's really thin and the benefits of that it's really stretchy and really comfortable You're not going to get any like pinch points or anything I have a few things that are quarter male and they're really nice thing you get a you know They're very comfortable for long term wear Um, the downside is being thinner more likely to tear more likely to puncture So you get that trade off and of course heavier stuff seeming more durable But it's gonna be less comfortable you're gonna have more pinching in the joints It's gonna be more exhausting to wear as you move around because you can have more resistance to your movements and generally Places will charge you more for either the thicker or the thinner sheeting So if you stick with the default You get a nice balance overall So you've gained these numbers on thickness which mean Nothing to me. What's the vanilla equivalent of those thicknesses? What would that be used for in a vanilla? um Well, that's a good question because like traditional clothes, you know, you don't have a choice of thicknesses of you know material to be made for right so like say a quarter male be wearing that like a nice thin silky item right? Okay um And the the middle of the ground the point three five to point four males maybe like a denim sort of Um, it's a little thicker But like the latex is more clientable than denim would be so it's not quite as restrictive as you think denim would be And then you're you know, you're one male, you're heavy rubber stuff Think of that more like maybe a leather like a real leather not a fake leather nice and heavy And it would be just as strong and restrictive as leather would be Because heavy rubber does it stretches, but it takes a lot more effort Got you So once you get your rubber uh-huh or your latex Um, and you look at it and it's all nice and pretty how that heck do you get into it? Uh, yes, so There are a few ways And it also depends on the type of garment So if you got something like a button downstairs Well heck you don't need to do anything special you open it up, you know, slide it on, button it up You're good to go you don't have to do anything special Generally you've got to do more work for really tight fitting up, you know, garments And so there's a few Few ways people typically do One way that you know, you probably think of praise standards using top-compatter So you powder up the inside Then you can slide it on because that reduces the friction of the latex I personally do not like using top-compatter It's easy, but once you got it on and you start sweating All the sweat mixes with that top-compatter And it starts dripping down, you know, this white gulp coming out everywhere, it's messy It's like, yeah No There is also one other big downside For those with natal female genitalia Top-compatter can get up into your productive, reproductive organs and cause cancer And other things So for cis women it's probably not the best or trans men as well So I would avoid top-compatter Most garments when you buy them, they will come shipped Likely powdered Already just to keep the latex from sticking to itself Because latex is very sticky when it's clean So most places will powder it up before shipping it to you Which gives you a nice like quick way to get it on So like, yeah, fresh latex, I'm excited to put it on You know, so you can slip it on real quick, do you know, test fitting But I personally would not use top-compatter for long term Addressing, as addressing aid is what they're called So another route is to use silicone oil-based dressing aids There are lots of them out there under various brand names It's like, you know, you got vivaschein I think but gloss makes a dressing aid There's I don't know, pure coat makes just a polisher or addressing aid And there's just several of them out there They're all silicone-based And so you can turn your garment inside out Drizzle oil all over it, smear it around Make sure it's all nice that you can be coated You know, they turn it right back, right side out For certain garments, I'll even oil myself up All my shoulders or my butt and thighs Just the sticky points that really are a little tough to get it over And then you slide it on I just feel it, you know, just all goopy sliding all over your body as you pull it up and on You know, obviously shirts you can pull over your head Cat suits you generally, you know, go feet first and you pull it up All the way up Sometimes items have zippers to make it easier, sometimes they don't But silicone oil is pretty much the standard of dressing aid for tight garments There is also a chemical process you can do To process the latex and make it not so high friction It's called chlorination You can give the latex a bath in an aqueous chlorine solution And which binds chlorine molecules to the surface of the latex And that's really smoothed out It makes the latex silky silky smooth So you can just slip it right on no problem with no dressing aids That's got some trade-offs One obviously the positive thing is it's no dressing aids easy, easy wearing right But it dulls the shine a little bit So the latex garment won't be quite as shiny And if you ever have a tear that needs to be repaired It makes the repair more difficult and so the patch might not stick quite as readily It also dulls the smell in case you're really into the smell But yeah, that's I clarned I wasn't a chlorination kick for a while I chlorinated a lot of my collection Early on just to make it easier But since then I'm like you know what I really like the shine And I'm kind of annoyed that this doesn't shine up quite as nicely It's a tip before Like I have a neck-entry cassoot Where literally you crawl in through the neck hole Put your feet in You know, shimmy the neck hole all the way up over your butt and over your shoulders It takes a lot of work to get into I mean it can take me you know about five to ten minutes With non-chlorinated You know turn it inside out Slather it with lube, slather my body with lube And it takes a lot of physical effort to shimmy it up I have another cassoot that's also a neck-entry that I chlorinated And I can slip into that in two minutes maybe tops Because it's just my arms and legs just go right in, slips right in Yeah I felt one downside though is once I start sweating That the latex will cling to the body once you get the sweat layer in there And it will cause some pinch points Because it doesn't slide on the skin as easily while you're moving around So it does irritate the skin a little bit just from that friction Which is another reason to have that silicone oil lube layer So I recommend using silicone oil as your dressing aid if you need it Like right now it just sounds like the benefits of having the silicone oil Just to... seems to outweigh Yeah We just not, I mean, unless you're just not sure, not sure if you're You know, gonna be okay with silicone or whatever You know, in the chlorinated route but just it seems like a better A better experience overall Yes, there are It's coming across Yes, however there are some things, some downsides to the silicone oil that you may not think of Sure It gets all over everything I have little silicone oil prints all over my apartment now I had a... I had a guest over this weekend and we had some fun here And we both were like full, dulled up, full latex head to toe But like I got silicone marks all over my piano, all over my dinner table, all over the floor It just gets all over everything Yeah And then of course when you're taking this off in washing your garments Like I sometimes will take it off in a shower And of course I need to wash the oil off my body too, well then the oil coats the floor of the shower And makes the floor of the shower really slippery So I gotta be careful not to fall in the shower Or you know, wherever you're maybe when you're getting dressed And you're, you know, drizzling and spreading the oil all over your garment You gotta make sure, oh, if you get in me on the floor, you better clean that up But otherwise that is a severe, you know, slip and fall hazard Yeah, let's not turn the bathtub into a slip and slip Or if you get it on a poultry, if you get like more than just a tiny little bit on a poultry It's pretty much, it's gonna leave stain marks It's gonna look like your poultry is like permanently wet in that spot Looks like I've never really had a deep clean up poultry But I have kind of like, oh, yeah, I left a little mark on the couch there Just gotta be aware So that was gonna be my next question Once you take it off, I assume you can't just road in the washing machine How do you wash it? How do you take care of it? Does it need oil or maintained like leather does? Yes and yes and yes So, there are a handful of ways to wash it Actually, I used to use a washer If I had a lot of latex to wash, I would use my washer However, there are several caveats to that I would only use a front-loading washer with no agitator Because an agitator would grab stuff and tear it up So front-loading washer, very mild detergent I would use the gentle cycle, no spin Absolutely no spin Because since the water cannot move through the garment Like traditional weaved fabrics A spin could catch latex in a fold or in a pocket And it will blow out the seams And rip up your garment Just through the centrifugal force of the water wanting to spread out So no spin So I did that for a while I don't have a front-load washer anymore So what I do is if I have some If it's just like whatever I wore for that day I will hop in the shower while wearing it And I'll let the water run down my body between my skin and the garment Which feels really good by the way Do you ever want to feel like tentacles going down your body Wear some tight latex and let water run down it That sounds amazing I'm picturing water running down the inside of it And it being a cat suit and blowing up like violet and woolly water I can, like it's yeah because if the latex is stuck to your skin Sometimes it will like pull down Like in your belly bottom Because it's like stuck so tight to your legs And eventually the pressure will build up and push through that And then that feels like that whole rush of water going down your legs Great sensation there But that water running down one helps to separate the latex from your skin And makes it easy to disrobe while you're in the shower But then you're already there in a warm wet environment So you can just wash it in the shower right there So that's what I'll do just make sure you get the sweat off I don't even sometimes use soap but I'm going to show I just want to make sure I get the sweat insult off of the garment If I have more, if I've been lazy and haven't done that And I've collected some Like a large amount of latex to wash like I did this weekend Because I got my back bed So I had my back bed I needed to wash I will run the tub, fill the tub up with warm water Put large amounts of dondish soap in there And I'll just agitate it with my hands in the bathtub With warm soapy water Make sure you do both inside and outside Turn inside out halfway through Rinse it off with fresh water to get the soap off And then hang dry it You have to hang dry it for several hours or overnight You have to turn it inside out because the inside won't dry(laughs) What you turn inside out, let that dry And then you're ready to store it Before you store it you will need to put probably a coating of oil on it Like I said earlier, clean latex will adhere to itself and will bond And you don't want that to happen And so you'll want to put oil on it And storing it with the oil on it also will help it from drying out Because latex will dry out It has natural moisture in it And when it dries out it will get stiff and cracky And it will be brittle and break So if you want to keep your latex nice and supple You'll store it with just a thin, real thin coating of oil And then you can store it either in plastic bags Or nylon garment bags Some of my stuff I just hang up in the closet even But storing it in a cool dark place away from sunlight Away from metals Because metal will stain latex So you don't want any jewelry to touch it Or any other, sometimes even latex items will have Like nickel or stainless steel Grommets and rings and whatever You can't really take those off sometimes But those will stain the latex So it's got dark colors you're fine But lighter colors will get stained So you make sure you put it on a plastic hanger and not a metal one? Yes, yeah I use plastic hangers Good point to make Yes, do not put it on a metal hanger Store Different colors separate Because light colors will Leach dark colors onto them Oh yeah Latex is the most high maintenance material Like ever And storage is like very important Obviously you want a cool place Because heat will dry it out Sunlight will bleach it And those are the main things It's definitely keeping colors separate And the metals But also speaking of metals and care When you're putting this stuff on The really tight garments can be a little tricky And you might be tended to just grab a fistful of it And pull it up real hard And if you do that And you have sharp fingernails You're likely just going to put a hole right through it With your fingernails So one thing to keep in mind when Putting it on Is to make sure you're not wearing any sharp jewelry Finger nails or trams Etc How Bigger risk is it that your latex is going to blow out or rip Well I've been surprised Once you get it on So latex is very durable So it has a very very high I believe tensile strength So it can be pulled and stretched Like three to four hundred percent It's original size Very strong But as soon as it gets the tiniest little imperfection The tiniest little mick in there It's done Catastrophic failure Is a very very low shear strength And so I've had items Like I literally tore an item that I was putting it on for the first time It was one of my earlier items And I just pulled it up a little too hard A little pressure because it was a little too eager And it just rips Whole straight through Like well, there went bad Didn't get where at one time But most latex is pretty durable As long as you're gentle Like I'm always afraid Maybe if I'm wearing a cat suit I'm bending over really far Which puts a lot of tension on my butt area Yeah, I'm always afraid I'm going to blow out that butt seam Has it happened yet? A lot of the higher end places will put extra reinforcements Unlike your butt seam Underarms places where there's really high tension So you don't have to worry that I've got quite as much But just be careful Um Like I try not to like And I have something with long sleeves I won't reach up above my head As far as I possibly can Except puts a ton of tension on the other arm I once ripped a cat suit Zipping it up, I had a front zipper From just above the crotch to the neck And I was just pulling up the zipper Well, I was pulling the sides together to get the zipper You know, close together so I could pull up the The uh Mm-hmm The uh, whatever it's called The slider And as I was pulling it together It just ripped straight up the whole side of the zipper Just because I was a little hard with it Little, little, little fast Um, so you just have to be gentle and careful Make sure you have You know, you're wearing garments or buying garments That are sized for you appropriately You know, I'm not going to borrow something from someone That's way too small And ripping something that someone else is Um You know, the thinner the latex like I said earlier The thinner it is The more Easy it is to rip There was less, you know, it's got less strength But so far, I've not had any other than those two things I've not had any other major catastrophic failures in my powder many years I've been wearing it Like 18 years now Uh I've had a few pinholes that have happened Like, uh, in an underarm I reached up and that, that little pinhole tear Didn't catastrophic at the tail That little pinhole and I caught it I was able to patch it before it Rips much further than a pinhole Um, but yeah, it's always a risk It also depends on the quality, you know, quality of the sheeting Um, I would definitely put less stock in I'm a molded item versus a tailored item Just because the, you know, I said the molding latex is Uh, has much more imperfections in it Uh, but just be careful So you mentioned getting a pinhole and then Um, you know, being able to catch it and such like that So you can, if it's not The catastrophic failure You can repair your latex? Yeah, um, even if it is a catastrophic failure You can repair it, it's just a lot more Difficult to do I've never repaired a catastrophic failure The one I mentioned with the zipper I had someone else repair it, I sent it out and had someone else repair it Um, and that was even chlorinated cat suit And the person told me they had trouble because it was chlorinated But they were able to patch it And that was like a, uh Maybe two and a half foot long tear they patched for me Oh, yeah Yeah, because I really, that was my very first cat suit It was custom made Um, and then for those, I guess I should say For those who don't know a cat suit It's not literally a cat Um, I can't You don't look like a cat where you can't see It's just a one-piece garment that's, you know, a top and bottom You know, from your ankles to your wrists Up to your neck One-piece garments But no I mean, you can, I can give a little cat a, can you use if you want Um, that's not really what it means Um, but yes, you can, like, I've done those simple repairs myself I wanted to get into latex crafting I've never had the time I had two kids and I just could not Get into it So I learned enough to be able to do small patches So I've done a handful of small patches A few of my things, they got a little tiny tears It's a pretty easy process But I mean, it can also be frustrating Um, the latex is finicky It likes to curl up with the glue And I don't see that as a, maybe a, a new person skill I think that's like, probably, uh, you know, a 201 classes latex repairs and crafting Um, but you can do it Yeah And so, obviously, some people take like, um, take like a, a bicycle tire Patch kits And you can use that as a quick repair If you want to just take a little, you know, an inner tube patch kit Uh, you can put that on the inside of the garment so you don't see it Um, and that's a quick and easy way That someone could do on their own without too much trouble Cool So you said something about, uh, the colors running or fading or whatever How is the color put into it? Is it manufactured into it? Is it dyed? Is it painted on? How do you know? Yeah, um, it is dyed into the sheeting So the latex is like I said, it's the natural sap of the rubber tree Um, and by default without any tint added to it It's kind of like a milky yellow color It's a lot of people like it, um, I think it's kind of bland Um, but latex is a liquid to start And so while it's still a liquid, it makes in various dyes And sometimes other little things like glitter or whatever Um, to create, you know, the sheeting And there are also manufacturers that will make um, pattern sheeting So they can take multiple colors of latex and swirl them together To make very cool, interesting patterns Um, but yeah, it's added in when latex is still a liquid It's poured out into a sheet and let to dry And then it dries into the solid form Or semi solid form that we think of when we think of latex And they've like, there are so many kinds Like, you know, you have all your standard colors, typically, that you could choose from Like most stops when you go online You know, you've got your blacks in your reds, like all colors in the rainbow But you can also get like metallic colors Um, so if you want a little bit of a metallic sheen to it, you've got those And like I said, some will offer semi transparent colors So if you remember that purple dress that I had The purple part was actually semi transparent So you can see my legs through the bottom part of the dress Um, you can probably even see the contours of my breasts Um, so you can get semi transparent ones You can obviously, there's those specialty sheenings that have the patterns and such There's all sorts of kinds of sheen Um, most places don't offer the specialty pattern sheenings You've got to go to, you know, the designers that use those But like, the larger, the larger shops typically will have all the standard colors of the rainbow Plus semi transparent plus, um, metallic Gotcha Very cool, thank you Yeah, you described the rather laborious process it takes to put it on Is that part of the funner is that a chore? Um, depends on my mood[laughs] Um, it can be fine Um, because, well one, it's just, you know, the feeling of sliding it on Never gets old Just feeling that smooth, you know, texture sliding up my legs or down my arms The feeling of slowly being encased in a hug if it's a tight garment Um, but sometimes it can just be a chore I think though, I've gotten the, you know, I've gotten a down to where I know what I'm doing and I can kind of do it mindlessly And it doesn't take a lot of work for me anymore I know exactly what I need to do, I know exactly what order to put things on Um, and so the, the dawning process Isn't a chore anymore Um, the guest I had over this past weekend is a little newer to it And it took her, like, 15 minutes to get into her cassoot where it took me, you know, three or four Um, she was struggling a little bit and I had to help her a little bit Um, so I think it depends on your skill level I think it depends on what you're looking for If you're, depends on your mindset Like, you can make it part of the experience just getting dressed Like getting into that mindset, you know, relaxing and just paying attention to those sensations As you're putting the garment on And not even worrying about how long it's taking you to do it Um, so I think it could be either or both depending on your mindset And skill level and type of item So for somebody who Here's this and says yes, I want to explore this Where would you recommend them going to buy here later? Yeah, that's I get that question so much Um, so I always suggest There's always one shop that I suggest to almost everyone And that's libedex L-I-B-I-D-E-X dot com They are a British shop The reason why I recommend them is because they have the widest selection of any place that I have ever seen They have everything and they have very interesting designs And they have very simple designs So whatever you're looking for if you just want short sort of shirt or you want to dress Or you want a sports hoodie Or you want, you know, a cocktail dress Or you want, you know, tailored pants and a blazer Um, they have just about everything that you can think of Um, their quality is pretty decent Um, prices are about average And so I say they're a good start So say you can like, you can have a huge catalog to peruse All in one place Um, but there are so, so, so many shops out there So many, you know, designers that make wonderful, wonderful things And it's impossible for me to keep all those in mind Um, so one place I've started pointing people to is a website called WhereLatex.com where they have a, uh, a vendor directory Of hundreds and hundreds of vendors Um, on shops that you can go look at Um, because one tricky thing is that different shops will sell different kinds of things Depending on what they like to specialize in And so like, when someone asks, well, you know, where do I go buy this stuff? I'm like, well, what do you want? You know, some places are really good making cashews Some places are really good making hoods Some places make some pretty beautiful lingerie Um, so it really depends on what you want Um, so that's one If you want more higher end pieces, I will suggest maybe Simon O Which I believe they're based in Austria Um, there are a few places in the US I don't know them quite as well. I know Latex Nymesis is, I think she recently moved to New York Um, she is very well known, I have a such a, because she's not So Nymie, I believe owns the business, but she's not the only one that um, creates the hoods But they're known for making hoods Um Yeah Got a lot, and I have, I have several hoods from Latex Nymesis Um, and I love them all, they are very well made But um, there are other places that also make hoods that are very well made So I'd say look around, shop around, but there are also so many designers That you know are only on Etsy maybe or only on Instagram Um, and maybe don't have a formal website, but they still make beautiful stuff Um, I can say there's so many out there, I can't keep them all, I can't name them Um, but this where Latex.com has a very good catalog of shops to go peruse Um, I guess one out in it, other name I will drop Um, for people just trying to get into it I know when I was getting into it, I went to a store called TwistMyRubberArm.com Um, the website is not fantastic Um, but they do have a lot of lower end items, a lot of less expensive items for someone trying to get started I believe they're based in Canada Um, so shipping might be a little cheaper than buying from Europe Um, for those based in the US Um, but that's where I got started, it was just my rubberarm.com for cheaper stuff There are also some Chinese sites that kind of do knockoffs and such I don't know if I want to promote buying knockoffs, but I do have a few Uh, items from some Chinese shops that are You're okay, quality's not the best, but not bad for the money Might be a good one to experiment with Yeah, so See if you want to invest in the more expensive items Exactly, so Like, so there's one called um, latex catfish Um, and that's a Chinese company I have a few items from them, like so they have been horrible that, but they're not amazing Good for the money, I'd say, I guess Um, but again, they do carry some knockoffs that I don't care for Um, like they'll try to recreate, you know, other designers Um, but they do have a lot of their own designs as well I believe there was some split with latex catfish and their US counterpart And I, that's been years and I haven't bought from them since then So I don't know the current setup with their US partnership company Um, but Yeah, there, so there are other sites out there I'm sure latex catfish and other sites like that Are listed probably on thatware latex.com's vendor list Although I probably should verify that before I make such a claim So, uh, earlier you mentioned the back there Yes, that makes extension of the latex Um, kink, or is that something separate or Um, some overlap Yeah, it's somewhere there in the venn diagram Um, I'd say I mean, you don't, so a vack dead for those who don't know If you imagine like a sleeping bag that's made of latex instead of a nice cozy thing Fabric um That has maybe a plastic frame inside of it You get in, you're sealed up and all the air is sucked out of it So that you are trapped in between layers of latex Um That's what a vack bed is There are other vacuum devices They have their cubes So you imagine a cube of latex that you climb inside And the air is sucked out And then there's towers where you you are standing up in a tower Typically your head is at the top And then the air is sucked out in latex comes and binds you in So it is a, so I see it as a form of bondage I mean, it is a, it's a pretty intense form of bondage actually Um, because you can't do anything except for maybe flex and squirm against it You cannot change positions while you're in there With one caveat, unless you like put gobs and gobs of lube inside There while you're in there then you can kind of slide around But without that, you are stuck And so um I see it as a form of bondage because you're there You're at the whim of your top Um And you must have a top because number one rule with playing in vack beds is you do not play in a vack bed alone Um You just don't do it People have done it And there are very dire consequences for doing that Potentially including up to death Um and I know someone personally who did die in a vack bed because he played alone Um Yes, so do not do it Um So but I see a vack bed not just as a bondage implement Um I see it as another form of sensory play Um I have used it in ways where I've been I've gotten in my top has sealed me in, you know, done the vacuum But it's not meant for sexual play or keykey play It's more for relaxation and meditation So you can get in there and just feeling your whole body just squeezed with the latex It just I don't know whatever it does It just calms the nerves and just like Huge sigh of relief just Wash relaxation washing over you and you can just like meditate in there and relax And like you've got sensory deprivation Mine your head is inside so your eyes are covered You're hearing is muffled And you're just sitting there with your thoughts in the quiet Um And I've spent a bit in there up to like an hour or more Just relaxing being with my thoughts And after a lot almost feels like, you know, you can leave your body and have an out of body experience almost I've heard people say it could be almost like a one of those salt float tanks I've never been in one of those but like yeah, I could kind of be like that because you almost lose Connection with your body because you have like If you don't have a top that's actually actively like touching you with me like you're just there marinating Like you lose the sensation of like touch and like where your body is your like your proprioception is all thrown off Um, it's a very interesting feeling Um, so that's one way of playing with it But another way is obviously, you know Can keep play so you got your top that you know Who can? Obviously you're at their whim. You can't do anything Um, so they can You know do Temperature play with ice cubes or something Or do a little tickle torture and you can't squirm away from it because you can't clinch up with it You know you can bring your arms down to your side or you can't clinch your thighs together Because you're stuck Or you know you can even do add impact play on top of it Just don't do anything sharp right because anything sharp will likely tear the latex But any impact play with blunt instruments like paddles or your hand or whatever You could totally do while in a back bay You could even do a little breath play um So some so some factors have it where our configures so your head can be in and you just have a little breathing tube for your mouth Or your head can be out in a like you have a neck gasket where your head is out So your face is open a lot of people like that for Because they're claustrophobic or whatever But even then you can like still wear a gas mask or something And you can do breath play I've not done much of that as a bottom. I did a little bit as a top um I'm not very experienced in breath play so I don't want to push that too much um like in my own play um But that's something you can do And so yeah it kind of it's an overlap it's obviously you've got the latex part for the latex kink But it's also very much heavy Uh I'm excited bondage as well so it's definitely an overlap there Very cool. Okay, this sounds like amazing and like a lot of Oh, it's so much fun. I was in the back then Uh, just on Saturday for about 40 minutes or so it was very fun nice So for somebody who is Interested in trying on latex uh as apparel But they're having some hesitation because they're Plus size yes, how would you address that concern? Yes, I've had several people make that remark to me and I I find it unfortunate Um, I feel like if you're interested in something like this Like you should just go for it try it out This is it's all about how it feels for you all about the experience And I understand being you know self-conscious about your body image like I am myself um But latex Can be a forgiving guard um, you know Forgiving material latex has a lot of stretch um And so I would not Make your hesitation be about like can I even fit into it? You know because obviously you're gonna buy something that's you know made for you Um, that's gonna be your right size If you don't fit and off the rack size a lot of places will do made to measure like you give them your measurements and they will make it too you um So I wouldn't make that your hesitation. I understand the mental aspect of like am I gonna look bad in this? um, you know, I don't like this part of my body or that part of my body But it's so much more than just look Because there's all the whole sensory experience than the play and the fun That's not related to how you look in it um, that's so enjoyable um And I really say like do this for you like please do not worry about how other people think you look in latex It's yes, there are lots of very beautiful models out there um But we're not trying to be them. We're trying to have our own experience our own fun our own enjoyment um And I said I would not use size as a reason to say no, I'm not gonna try this I have seen a photo of a very pregnant woman wearing a neck entry cassoops Which means she got the neck hole of this suit up and over her very beautiful belly and you know like If that's any reason to say no because of size, I mean like I don't know Like so I would say just try it. Please don't be self-conscious I know I've run into so many people who are and have like I see the look on their face like I really want to try this But I don't you know think I'll look good in it Um and I really want to hug them Because my is there's so much more to this than just looks um, it's it's such a bigger experience than that I was gonna say I've run into more people who enjoy wearing latex who's who Say something similar that what you do as to No, no, it really doesn't matter your size We just want you in the latex to enjoy it as much as what we do Yes We want you to try it. We want you know try it on and enjoy it Like it's it's one of those that You know it may not be for everybody, but it is for everybody Yes exactly And And it's and it all Including I'm like including my a Sash Sash person My sash husband from years ago was just like no no honey. We want everybody It's it's how we take over the world. We want everybody in latex And I feel like you know latex is a pretty niche kink I think even though it's starting to become more mainstream, you know celebrities and whatever start wearing it I still think as a kink though. It's still fairly niche You know and being from the Midwest like you and I are like there are terribly many around here So I'm always doing my best to make conference Um, I want to see more people wearing it and more people enjoying it and having fun no matter who you are No, be more shiny people Other than the allergies you mentioned are there any other risks from wearing latex? wearing it too long or cutting off circulation or anything like that? Yes actually that's a very good question so One thing to be aware of like yes wearing it for quite some time, you know you build up heat you build up sweat um bacteria really like moist warm environments Um, so if you have any like minor cuts in anything and you've been wearing latex for like a full day or more You could be at risk for like maybe a little bacterial infection or such um Speaking of that just going back to dressing aids Um, I failed to mention this but like some people will think well, I don't have tal compatter. Could I use corn starch? Um, to which I will say absolutely no because that is food and food in a warm moist environment you're asking for a bacterial infection then Um, or I don't have slow-cone oil but I have baby oil or I have maybe some kitchen vegetable oil um, to which I say no because the vegetable oil will destroy your latex It will literally break down the latex and turn it into goop Um, and as well the baby oil so don't use those um So I lost my train of thought with the original question was risk, right um So also I have found if you're wearing something that's tugging on you like maybe I have a pair of pants I'm wearing and the waistband like is I pulled it up tight and so or pulled it up high so it's a wanting to pull down But it stuck to my skin because of sweat or whatever as you're moving around that is like really literally tugging on and off of your skin all day as you're walking around and I have given myself blisters because of that it literally like detaches the top layer of skin from moving around all day with it the latex like literally bound to the skin because I didn't wear a loop or you're putting a whale on there or anything right so that can happen now but I know that it can't happen I I make sure to put a little dressing aid under the bit in the the waistband of pants or whatever um you can get little pinch in like bruising from pinching like in joints like in your elbows or behind the knees or under the armpit because the latex will you know ripple and those joints and as as you extend and you know retract those joints it will pinch the little ripples of your skin so you can get a little I'll take it off and I'll have a little bit of bruising so I could slightly swarm but it's not so bad that's just all part of the gig dehydration is a risk so if you're wearing it long term in a warm environment you will sweat a lot so you need to make sure you're continually taking in water because you could dehydrate I think that's I'm not thinking of any other immediate risks um you do want to you know not wear it for like ever and ever your skin needs to dry out it needs to breathe a little bit obviously you know the whole breathing through your skin you know is a myth like you can keep the latex on your skin doesn't need need the estrogen like you don't respire through your skin right um but I've noticed like when I wear latex for a long time my skin will get very soft it will slough off I will lose a lot of skin um after wearing latex for maybe you know more than 24 hours and so you need to do need to give your skin a break and a lot of people talk about you know 24/7 latex fantasies you know just living in rubber um it's a nice fantasy but it's not practical in reality um but yeah I don't think there's any it's it's a pretty low risk kink um I guess it's high risk to your wallets I would say that um because yeah I have I'd say over the last it's been like 18 years or so I've probably spent about a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars a year on latex so I've probably put upwards of almost 20k which obviously you know seems like a lot but I know there a lot of people like there are some well-known you know latex models have that it's been way way way more than that um that's still a lot of money for me um so yeah that's that is a risk this your bank account may not be happy so before you move on to the part of the show we like to call inside the kinkster studio is there anything else you'd like to share with us about this hmm I'd say you know if you wanted to get into it or even if you've already started getting to it just have fun with it it is a very fun thing um you can be silly with it you can be serious with it but just have fun don't try to be anyone else don't try to you know become the models or do exactly what they do make it your own and just enjoy it okay gotcha wonderful thank you all right so now we come to the part of the show where we get to know you a little bit better in our own fun and unique way are you game I am game hey all right so my first question is what is your strangest or most unusual kink con cover story for family or co-workers oh hmm well I have lots of co-workers who know everything so I don't really have to cover at work too much oh gosh I honestly don't know because I am so out um I guess the only ones I'm not fully out to is my family um but even then my parents found some my latex collection in college um oh yeah well my parents were so you know vanilla and closeted that like they're just like hmm there's your wife know about this like yes she does like okay we're not talking about this anymore um well I guess she wasn't my she was my fiance at the time we weren't married yet um so I don't have any fun I had to search it back because I haven't I mean I'm like I even slightly out on my vanilla facebook a little bit um so I don't know I'm like I'm a very open person I'm an open book and so like I used to not be um I used to be very self-conscious and afraid of what people would think I used to have mows and mows and mows of shame about my latex kinks um and so I wouldn't talk too much about them but I have done a lot of therapy and and now I just I don't care people know I'm proud of it um and I'm literally waiting late text in my facebook profile picture yay um so I don't have a fun answer for you I'm sorry never mind I'm perfectly fine um so my question is what's something surprising that you've learned about yourself along the way oh gosh um so many things um like I have done my my journey with my latex kink has caused me to go through a lot a lot a lot of personal growth um like I said I had loads of shame about it and so I had to work through all that and now I can be proud um I suppose one of the most surprising things was that it helped me you know it helped me figure out that I'm trans surprisingly um would you like to hear the story do we have time for the story um oh absolutely okay so this was I'd say gosh eight years ago um there is a so there's a subgroup within latex kink'sters um or as like an activity or a sub-kink called rubber dolling um and part of that is generally these cat suits that have very large breasts they have pockets for silicone inserts that can give you very large breasts um many men indulge in this kink but I've also seen like I've seen like models where these cats who's just you know to exaggerate their curves for their modeling but obviously they're not put on quote rubber dolling I'd say um but I got into that for a little bit um so I guess I should clarify I am a trans woman um and so this was back pre-transition I got one of those suits because I like I really like the idea of having breasts so I wanted one of these suits and I bought it but like at the time I wasn't really thinking of trans of course right but after getting this and putting it on I loved having a chest and it was wonderful and my wife did not care for that at the time um yeah that's a whole nother part of the story only get into that um but eventually she kind of came around to it and she paked me while I was wearing it once um and that experience of being paked on my back looking down and seeing these breasts on my chest that just flipped a switch inside of me and saying whoa yeah what's going on here this feels better and not quite like when I was expecting to feel like this there's something going on here um you know and then the trans woman a lot of people just call that you know your egg cracking at least that's one of the things that kind of cracked my egg um and so that's about the time when I started therapy for gender stuff all because this little you know little side um side trip in my latex kink journey that is awesome thank you very much for sharing that I very much appreciate that thank you on a completely different note what's it like to fart in skin? you know oh my god the first time the first time kind of surprises you sometimes it gets trapped you know you get this little bubble in there um and it depends on like what kind of position it's in whether it goes down the leg or up and out the neck right in your face or if you're lucky you've got like a crutch zipper you can kind of let it out or it loves you um yes so it's it's definitely a unique experience um I have done it on a handful of occasions uh i mean you can't you know you can't hold it in right so it's got to go somewhere but the the suit generally keeps it pretty close to you until it works its way out but I mean you know of course it creates a little bubble in there and like you feel the bubble moving up or down and generally it moves pretty quickly so it doesn't stay in for very long but um but it doesn't I mean I guess it does make the traditional farting noise but it's muffled because it's you know enclosed um but when it works its way out it doesn't really make any sounds or anything but you do you know if it does work its way out obviously you get it right in your face uh oh oh oh and let's share into that yeah no no no no most of myself have like crutch zippers if I'm wearing a cat suit or something so I can like mostly let you know leak its way out like here we go yeah we ask the important yes oh my gosh I'm like I ask something yeah and you're like hey oh my goodness um all right yeah here we go with me with another induction what's an insult that you've received that you're proud of an insult yeah that you're proud of regarding latex or in general in general anything yeah it could be latex or just anything that you're like nope I'm gonna own that that's mine you can try to insult me all you want about that but no yeah um oh hello kitty I'm trying to think because I don't think I haven't been insulted in quite some time in my memories not that great um that's a gosh I mean this is a hard one I know like back in high school this wasn't a direct insult but I came out to a friend of mine that I was into latex fashion um she and I had known each other for a while but she had a boyfriend who is a couple years older than us and the next day he roughed me up um for a company out of telling her that sort of I guess super private bad thing I don't know but I wasn't gonna like I didn't let that you know slow me down with enjoying you know this kink of mine even though it's still high schools before I was a I've ever owned in latex but by then I had been bullied enough that I wasn't gonna let the further bullying you know hindering me from enjoying the things that I enjoy um that's not a direct insult um but I I have been lucky that I don't think I've really been truly insulted as an adult um regarding kink or otherwise um so I'm very thankful for that um I could yeah the only other thing I could say was similarly as an adult you know in my transition um might stand in a family last year disinvited me from the family Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings um so well you know we're in the Midwest here and so I did my best to just let that roll off my shoulder and say you know what I'm a woman I'm owning it no matter what you say or how you think about me it doesn't change who I am and how much I love being a woman um good for you yes so those aren't exactly insults but that's pretty much the close of having my experience so far no I appreciate sharing thank you again and yeah you're definitely owning it and showing showing them who you are you and that's amazing and important all right there so thank you if one toy in your toy bag was to come to life which toy would you want it to be in why oh oh does it have to be a toy or can it be one of my latex things oh we can go with 20 of the latex things I'm gonna play a toy sit-use from too this is a tough one lots to choose from um I mean like I kind of would want one of my cat suits to come to life um because I've kind of always had like a tiny little like symbiot fetish okay like you know obviously that's got a real thing but like there's lots of you know latex symbiot porn out there and like living living latex suits that's like that's a thing out there um I think that would be pretty awesome to have a living latex suit um nice yeah and I just have to get about that all right fair fair okay serious question toilet paper roll over under oh definitely over there's only one answer to that you'd be surprised over over of course oh okay how about if animals could talk which species do you think would be the rudest the rudest oh gosh maybe llamas I'm sure they spit them all yeah that's that's a unique question um yeah yeah if they don't like llamas or zebras our zebras are asses well not literally but you know yeah all right my favorite question that I'd love to ask everybody what's your favorite swear word um gosh so little story here I never sworn so just a few years ago oh wow I was such the goody goody oh my gosh such the goody goody um and of course the utility yeah um so I felt dirty to swear or say anything for long as long as time I you know grew up in a conservative Christian household so so honestly the only swear word I say these days is fuck and if you're gonna do it yeah and I use it in all sense oh no meanings of the word all senses of the word I use it mostly as just kind of a you know an exclamation or you know fuck I screwed that up or whatever or please fuck me you know all the word all the meanings so I guess that's my favorite because that's the only one I say that works and then final question my favorite question if you had to have sex with one muppet which muppet would it be and why oh gosh um I don't even know all the muppets um that is a very good question as I go look up the muppet cast right now okay we'll give you a second give me a second to figure out who they um I got some of them I mean I can't go I obviously I'm I guess you give like you know miss Piggy like everyone says that right I don't know she's kind of my vibes she's a diva right um and I'm kind of a diva too I think we would vibe together um so I guess I have to say miss Piggy not only because she's one of the only ones that I know but I still feel like that is a proper answer that works fair enough awesome thank you so if somebody wants to contact you yeah or follow you on social media what's the best way to do that yeah I'm not super active on social media so really the only place I'm active is on FetLife right now um I don't have an Instagram I you know I don't have that much content opposed to anyway so it's mostly just FetLife my username there is latexabission L-A-T-E-X-H-I-B-I-T-I-O-N um and so that's where you can find me on FetLife and I will throw a link to that in your show notes along with the link to where latex.com okay well thank you for coming on the show and uh teaching us all about latex you've been a great guest for our listeners upcoming synagogue in person in virtual classes on ratti daddies electro play and more check out our website for details on those but that's it that's our show say goodnight a little bit goodnight a little bit thanks for having me yeah thank you I was recording damn