Paul Ruloff
Paul Rulof aka RuleOfThree, has been part of the altsex community for over 10 years, largely focused on promoting and educating about age play. During that time, he has helped hundreds of people learn about, explore, problem-solve, and think about their interests in ageplay.
He has started and contributed to many different ageplay projects. He helped found the Chicago Age Players, founded CAPCon: The Midwest Ageplay Con., and StL Ageplayers. He wrote the book “Ageplay: From Diapers to Diplomas” and is working on a book solely for Caregivers.
He also lectures across the country, and internationally, largely about age play, mental play, and age play relationship dynamics. He has presented at many different alternative sexuality conferences and events, including CARAS, an altsex academic conference for physical/mental health professionals. He has also served as an expert witness on age play for a Texas Supreme Court case.